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Cleaning SuperZorbs
Anyone use bleach to clean their SuperZorbs? I just launder them with regular laundry detergent, but they are starting to look a little dingy. I have not used bleach with any of my bonnets or pads in the past, but hate to take out dingy pads while the customer is around.
Ed Elliott

I just use hot water. I found that if i wash them right after a job, while still damp, the encap solution already in them is sufficient. After an initial wash, sometimes I'll wash them again with a bit of Wisk.

I do keep some bright ones though if I need to make a statement to a customer. But overall, I use microfiber 95% of the time.
Use these SuperZorbs all the time. Have same problem with them looking a bit dirty and dingy, but I know they've been cleaned with laundry detergent. I would not recommend using bleach to wash them in. If not completely rinsed out you might run into problem with bleach residue going onto carpet next time you wet the pad and use it.
Just like Judd Bowers I too carry some bran new pads and use them to show customer when completing test sample.
Normally, I place all of my dirty Zorbs in a basket. I then put the basket on my head and walk down to the local creek. I roll up my pants and walk in the stream amongst the local village women washing their wears. I pound and scrub the Zorbs against exposed stones using a small bar of Irish Spring. I lay them out and let them dry with natural sunlight while I spear fish for the evenings supper.

When I don't have time for the creek the pads are tossed in the Whirlpool for a nine minute wash using hot water. This is usually followed with a second rinse. Machine dry, low temp. I use Sun brand detergent (cheap).

No matter what, the pads never look good over time. Your best bet - if in front of a customer - is to hide them by wrapping the Zorbs with a MicroBeast.

I'm too scared to use bleach.
The one thing I figured out about sz's and glads is to never let them dry. Once they are dirty, I put them in 5 gallon buckets filled with water and a scoop of my favorite powdered prespray at the time. Then from there they go straight into the washer using hot water/tide/oxy clean followed by a second rinse using water only. Then to the dryer with no dryer sheet....

This has been my best procedure so far?
Come to think of it, bleach should never be mentioned on a forum about cleaning carpet.

Big Grin
I'm not familiar with super zorbs but for cotton and cotton blend pads, here's what i do.
I don't let them dry out either. Cheap laundry soap, and oxy clean as soon as i get home. I don't put them in a dryer at all. I hang them up to air dry, lay them flat, fold them like a taco and into a bucket and back on the truck.
This is of course if the creek is to busy...lol.
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL

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