Hi Lee,
I use it nearly every, or every other day.
Sounds weird, but there are reasons for this, just like me.
Being in the tropics, it is kinda warm nearly all year round.
Most everyone sweats to a fair degree, even the rug rats or ankle biters, (kids).
We all know how well they treat furniture.
Many homes also have swimming pools.
A good amount of sun screen and other oils are used on the bodies.
Much of the above is transferred to the upholstery, unfortunately, much of the Aussie psyche is such that if it's not dirty, don't clean it.

As such, I really like to flush these oils out, this is where the small spotter comes in, mainly for the arms, inner back, cushion seats & front kick panel.
Most suites/furniture are encapped but with special attention paid to the above areas.
Some times, I also get urine, vomit and other problems that I believe need to be flushed.
I rarely use it with my wand, generally my upholstery tools & mini water claw, although for problems in the carpet, especially near the wall (smooth-edge), I do break out my 1.5" x 12", 2 jet scrub wand which is also very light weight.
I also use it on VERY SMALL WDR jobs for extraction, which may be followed with bonnets and even dehums; & air movers, depending on the situation.
I do have an older and much smaller Bridgepoint spotter which is too small for my needs, hence the move to a larger machine, without all the weight & size of a conventional porty;
I also still have a couple of new/old porty's that I hate using with a vengeance.

I'll resort to whatever I need to that will enable me to achieve the best possible outcome, not only for my customers, but also for me.