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....when you're using a CRB.
I always, always pre-vac resi and commercial. I also always post vac resi. Pretty convinced that I would save oodles or precious time if I could somehow skip this.
Will the CRB I just bought allow me to?
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The collection trays "Renovators" can be used to collect dry soil. It's not as effective as a vacuum cleaner for capturing dust. But it does a good job of picking up a lot of soil. If you run the BrushEncap machine with the Renovator trays, you could do a quick pre-scrub to pick up dry soil, fuzz, and hair. And then run the machine with e trays on during cleaning so that you can pick up additional fuzz and debris that gets pulled up during cleaning. The Renovator trays can greatly reduce your need for vacuuming.
Rick Gelinas
The Encapman
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Thanks, Rick.
Anyone else?
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This seems to be a hot topic. I don't see how the prevac can be skipped. Im looking into getting a wider vac hoping it can save me some time. The post vac is another story. It is used for grooming purposes only. (unless your bonnet is coming apart and leaving fuzzies everywhere) so if it is for grooming only, the question becomes, Is putting straight lines in the carpet verses leaving the scrub lines in the carpet worth the extra 1/2 hour? If your running late for your next appointment, maybe not. If your cleaning for a picky customer, maybe it is. If you are doing a move out apartment, I say no.
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I've saved tons of time switching to a CRB vs a vacuum. Plus, I no longer am constantly cleaning the insides of a vacuum after I vacuumed damp carpet. It was like I was vacuuming up concrete some times!
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Residential i like to vacuum, even if they have, and i do want them to vacuum well i least don;t want it to look like it has not been vacuumed in a month... my Commercial accounts most of them have a janitoral crew that does the vacuuming
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you might be able to get away with it.
i seen in your pic's of the debris from your renovators and then from your vac, the vac looked like it picked up more of the finer soil/dust as Rick alluded to.
test a trashed living room. pre-vac on half, pre-crb the other half. clean then see which LOOKS dirtier.
then maybe post-vac both sides and see how bad one is versus the other and decide what you wanna do from there.?.