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Have an appointment next week with a lady who has glue stuck to her carpet. Unsure as to the type of carpet or the type of glue. Told her I would come look at it, but I honestly don't have any experience at removing any type of glue. Any suggestions?
Ed Elliott
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If it is a cut pile or frieze style carpet you might be able to snip it out with duck bill scissors or a sharp utility knife.
It depends on how far down the fibers it went. If its sitting on the tips of the fibers it should be easy. I have done this with expandable foam on a frieze recently and came our great. If it penetrated down farther though, obviously that won't work.
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It also depends on the glue stick used. If it is a low-temperature glue stick, you might be able to use heat to soften it and pull it out if the melting point/softening point is less than the carpet fibers. A hot-knife and a good hot-melt glue gun are nice little tools to have. I use glue sticks to repair seams and fraying in commercial carpeting along with a carpet seam roller. It works very well and although it creates a strong adhesion and stops fraying, it does not melt the fiber.
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Or freeze it and scrape it up. Liquid nitrogen will work.
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Thanks for the wisdom, gents. The lady is on my schedule for next Thursday. I will let you know the outcome.
Ed Elliott