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Hello, new here.
Ordered a jug of Rick's DfE cert. encap.

I am just getting into enap. Been using a porti for cleaning thus far. Want to move away from it, because a TM is too much money and I believe Encap is just right for almost all situations.

I have a few questions...

I know the DFE certified is "green". I am trying to push SAFER cleaning. How much safer are Rick's other encap formulas, then say the typical HWE chems?

You guys that padcap (I use a 175), do you run your MB's (or other pads for that matter) dry with moisture from encap juice, or do you wet all yours in a bucket (wringing them out)?

How long does the fragrance from these encaps typically last AFTER you have cleaned? I would rather have scent free products, but I realize Rick can't make products just for me. Again, I am pushing SAFE cleaning, and I and others associate "smells" with covering something bad, up.

How does encap work with either petroleum based greases or restaurant greases? Which products that works, should I use?

Currently in my encap arsenal, I have MB's, Fiber+ tans, Green encap, and a few white/green strip pads. What else should I get? (Have a vac too)

Those of you that don't have armloads of pads (like me), is it acceptable to rinse the pads out in a bucket of clean water if your pads get too dirty and you need a clean-er pad?

I know, a lot of newbie questions, and I apologize in advance. I did read through a few pages of old posts, so I did do some searching.

Rick, a thanks goes out to Rod. He took my order. He was very polite and helpful. If he is a reflection of your team, you have a good one! I did receive it on Friday like he said.
22 reads and no replies?

Do I have a third eye or a salad stuck in my teeth?
I'll let Rick comment on his products with regard to safety.
I always soak All pads in a bucket of warm water And ring out before use.
Encap Hyrox is what I use mostly and it has a light smell with a noticeable peroxide smell that is pleasant as far as I'm concerned and customers seem to like it.
Not sure if I answered all your questions
Any more just ask.

For grease the encap clean DS 2 performs very well especially on commercial glue down carpets.
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
Hi Freemind, welcome to the board. Lot of good helpful people here.

Ill answer you questions to the best of my ability:

1. Pretty much all encap chems are " green" . If you want to sell green or have a facility that demands it, use the green labeled encaps. They work just as good and you really wont see a performance drop.

2. Either or. I put mine down dry, but they quickly pick up moisture . Just make sure you have enough chemical down to keep them moist and lubed.

3. Yep Rick needs to get on a fragrance free solution, I have several accounts that insist on fragrance free. In those cases (sorry to plug a competitor on this board) I use Bonnet Pro Surround Free.

4. You will find moderate grease can be handled by the encap polymers. However, heavy grease is the kryptonite of encap. You must first remove the grease by HWE or bonnets (using a traditional carpet degreaser chemical). Then encap.

5. Sounds like you have everything to get started.

6. Yes you can rinse bonnets out and reuse. Just dont do that all day. You can do that several times, then its time for a fresh bonnet.
Thanks for the replies.
After a little thought, maybe I should pose the "safety" question as this:

Are encap chemicals, CHEMICALLY safer than traditional HWE chems? If so, can someone point out a recent article that says as much?

I try to avoid using the word "green" to describe process or chemicals. Green is overused and worn out. I now say "safe". I know VLM and no gas hogging TM make my process "greener" or "environmentally safer". I know those points. I would just like to assure customers that my process is CHEMICALLY safer too.
MSDS will be a good place to start for that answer. I think The only harmful substance in Release-it is isoproal alcohol and that evaporates.
Cleaner Carpet. Cleaner Planet.

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Do not squander time.
Time is the stuff life is made of.
(08-18-2013, 11:06 AM)freemind Wrote: Are encap chemicals, CHEMICALLY safer than traditional HWE chems?

I wouldn't say that they are inherently safer than HWE chems. DfE certification simply means that the ingredients of the detergent are deemed safe for the environment.

However the encap process poses less of an impact on the environment. This page helps to explain this in further detail. http://releasit.com/green-encap-cleaning...aning.html

Regarding pads, the FiberPlus pads work extremely well for a wide range of carpets. The MicroBeast bonnets are also very popular.

Welcome to the EncapBoard! And thank you for your recent order. I'm sure you'll LOVE Bio-Encap. And I hope to see you sharing in the discussion here too.
Thanks for the reply.
I am a little disappointed that your line of encap aren't more "safe" as opposed to traditional HWE chems. I was hoping to use this as a selling point.

To be truthful, I don't think that many people I service will be as concerned with "environmental impact" as much as they would that ALL the encaps you offer would be "safer" as opposed to HWE chems. I can see where they would be concerned with what may be left in their carpets, as opposed to what is no longer in their home (dirty water).

I had one recent place I bid, ask if my products are hypoallergenic. You offer anything that is?
I don't think Rick can make a blanket statement that his products are safer than all HWE products.(I doubt that any distributer can honestly make a statement like that) But certainly safer than a lot, for example any products that contain Butyl .
It sounds like you want to build an Encap business by comparing/bashing HWE. Sell the advantages and results of Encap and particularly the results and that should get you plenty of commercial accounts. I've had many customers skeptical of Encap but have become satisfied customers after seeing the results.
Here is what I hear from people:
They want DRY.
They want CLEAN.
They want it to be SAFE.

Now, I am not saying they want "green" or something to that effect. Although some do. I am not here to bash HWE or say I think it should be replaced.

I am trying to move in another direction with my business. I don't have the cashflow for a TM, nor do I really want to move in that direction. I realize it has it's place, but I want to move in the direction of encap products.

I realize that LM and fast dry times are a selling point. However, the hurtle I see is the "safe" issue. I am not trying to knock TM cleaning, but rather set myself APART from it. Make myself different but in a POSITIVE light.

"SAFE" IS an issue. Not just for me, but for my customers too. Others issues are fragrance and being hypoallergenic. Some folks don't like "smells" in their cleaners, some are concerned with it not having stuff that irritates allergies.

So, how about telling me how to address those issues. I know everyone can't be pleased. However, IF I can't set myself apart by offering what they want, what will make them WANT to use me?
Safe is an issue, that's for sure. And that's why we offer Bio-Encap. It is safe. In fact ALL of our shampoos are extremely safe. However Bio-Encap is a DfE certified formulation. And that means that each raw ingredient has to meet their specs for its environmental impact.

But let's look at the bigger picture since you're comparing this to HWE...
  • With Encap we can clean 300 sq ft with a single gallon of water. Far LESS water consumption than HWE.
  • There's no waste water produced with Encap, just some dry soil that gets vacuumed out of the carpet.
  • There's no truckmount running - burning gas and putting out carbon monoxide.
  • Plus the raw ingredients are safe for the occupant, the technician, and the environment.
That's a pretty excellent group of check marks on the green side of the equation!

And last but not least. Bio-Encap actually cleans with some teeth, it's not a lightweight "greened down" cleaner. That's why we say that "Green Doesn't Have To Be Wimpy".

[Image: stacks_image_1273_1.png]
Freemind, there are options out there for fragrance free shampoos if you really need that but in all honesty it hasn't been an issue for me even in nursing homes. Most releasit products have a very pleasant light fragrance that to MOST people conveys "clean"
Of course there will be special cases but those will be very few.
As far as safety, when the only component listed on The MSDS sheet for safety is Isopropyl alchohol (which evaporates and disappears quickly) you aren't going to get much safer than that and have a product that actually cleans anything.
I market safety and Eco friendly but for me it is rarely even brought up much less a deal breaker.

Btw. You won't find an environment more chock full of respiratory issues and allergies than a nursing home and for me...not one complaint yet.
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
Thumbs up to Rick and Mike.

I will work my marketing towards the positives of encap.

I wasn't trying to be argumentative or abrasive. Sorry if I appeared to be.

Thanks all.
(08-19-2013, 09:48 PM)freemind Wrote: I wasn't trying to be argumentative or abrasive. Sorry if I appeared to be.

Not at all. You asked some valid and well thought out questions.
I hope the answers were satisfactory and helpful.

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