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I want to use Hydrox with a HWE

Hot Water Extraction: Mix Encap-HydrOx at 1-2 oz per gallon in portable extractors.

How would you pretreat the area first?? (New to Encap).
I for one would not run it through your extractor
The alternative is to pre spray the carpet with it, let it dwell a few minutes and than extract with clear hot water.
Encap Punch is designed to be used with HWE. Hardly any foam &
works great. HWE with any other of the encap products you will need defoamer.
Do you have a 175 with solution tank? It's a good tool to add if you don't
have one.
Charles It also states
Encap-HydrOx is an encapsulating hot water extraction detergent
I am geting a little confused.

What type of carpet do you want to use Hydrox on?
Commercial or residential. If you are going to use HWE
on residential I would go with Punch. You can always bring Hydrox
in case of any special stains. For dirty commercial I use
Encap D/S2. Today I used Punch but also brought Hydrox with me just in case.
There were 2 furniture stains in the carpet. I poured a little Hydrox
straight out of the jug on the stains and let it sit for a few
and used a brush & stains came right out.

Do you have any machines to scrub carpet? That's the best way to
apply solution. If you have any questions send me an e-mail

@ carpetclean2000@yahoo.com include your phone number & I'll give you a call.
Thanks Charles, across the pond UK do not seem to use Encap as they do in the States.My thinking was the other day I did a Hotel bar (The bar was Shut for the day so I had time to try different ways ) using Punch sprayed down the bad areas then using DS2 in my Cimex I went over the area , one area did not come up as I expected so I extracted, I was surprised how much dirt came out with the extraction, Would a lot of the dirt come out after the carpet had dried as it is surposed to do the encap way. (I could not have left that area as it was still dirty) that is why I did the extractuion.So my thinking is do as I have done above, but if needed on occasion extract with say with Punch (at say 1oz per gal Dilition rate )which would also leave a little Encap in the carpet to work its magic. Hope this makes sense as I do like using the Encap solutions could also use for residential. or (Could I have gone in the dirty area with a lot stronger mix of DS2???)
Depends on how dirty the bad spot was. If you ever see encap
starting to turn to mud you will need to flush the carpet for sure.
Every few months HWE the carpet to get an overload of dirt out.
For most carpets the D/S2 will work good. Just mix according to the jug
and apply evenly with just the right amount. You should never run
anything thru your extractor except hot water. Unless in the future
you want to buy a new pump. You can run Punch with your cimex
but don't look for a lot of foam cause it comes out much
lighter. Then HWE it. Most commercial you should be able to use
d/s2 in your cimex. Couple of months ago I used Punch in my 175
on a filthy commercial in a bedroom and it turned to mud. So had to use HWE
to get rid of it. This place was a dump anyway with bugs dead mice cockroaches.
Welfare services paid the bill. I should have cleaned with a gal of gas & a match
which would have really helped out the renters. :-)
Thanks Charles for you input getting the hang of things with reading all the posts on Encap.
(10-04-2013, 03:02 PM)Kevin OBrien Wrote: Charles It also states
Encap-HydrOx is an encapsulating hot water extraction detergent
I am geting a little confused.

You are correct, it can be used to clean with HWE as directed on the label. It may be a little foamy. But in fact, Encap-HydrOx is not quite as foamy as our other dedicated encap shampoos. So it's kind of a "crossover" product. It may cause a little foaming, and you may need to use a little defoamer (your mileage may vary). But it has been effective as an HWE detergent, and it works well. Yet like I said, a little extra foaming can sometimes develop. So play it by ear and adjust accordingly if you start to experience too much foam. As you work with it, I think you'll see that it's a pretty flexible product.
Thanks Gents for you replys Can someone go through the procedure from start to Finish using Hydrox for HWE From Vac Agitage,Dwell the releasit Products used .I have no problems using other products.it is getting my head around encap and HWE.
If you would like to use Encap-HydrOx in an HWE setting, here's an overview:
(1) Pre vacuum the carpet
(2) Pre-spray with Encap-HydrOx, and allow to dwell for 5-10 minutes
(3) You may wish to sprinkle down a little Foam-Guard on the carpet
(4) Extract using Encap-HydrOx as your rinse agent
(5) Groom the carpet

P.S. It is also a good idea to test for colorfastness in an inconspicuous section of the carpet prior to cleaning.
Many Thanks, I take it that the Dilution rate is HydrOx at 1-2 oz per gallon
For the prespray and the rinse.
There is a separate dilution on the label for the pre-spray.

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