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Hydrox for wool oriental rugs??
Is Hydrox safe to use on wool "oriental" area rugs?? I would test for dye transfer first but it seems a natural for cleaning rugs especially if there are pet stains. I will be doing both both top clean only and full imersion cleaning. What are your thoughts??
  Reply   Purge Spammer
As long as you test for colorfastness it works well. But be sure to test for colorfastness, because it can pull migrating dyes.
Rick is so right and do not leave the rug in the sun!!! Yep turned a rug from blue to purple. Glad it was mine
I personally wouldn't chance it. I have such good luck with regular DS on wool that I wouldn't put anything with peroxide in it on wool. But I'm overerly paranoid and have seen peroxide in other products stain wool.
DS really made my customers wall to wall wool carpets pop and they are thrilled that they know longer have to plan their vacations ( true story) around having their carpets cleaned because of the smell until it dries. They used to use SS and said it would smell for quite sometime.
The wet dog smell from wool along with the stench and cost of SS can be very off-putting. Smile

I always ask if the rug has the color red in it. Red never seems to bond to wool very well for some reason. If it does, I have to go with extraction followed by a pad-cap. I have not tried to do a wool rug with DS, though and if it is effective I would be happy to go that route.
Robert Balliot
Hoss Home Care, LLC
Robert personally it's the only pre spray/ detergent I 'll use on wool. When I do have to extract I use punch. Usually I padcap or use the Cimex 90% of the time.
We have used it a couple of times on rugs but I don't remember using it on wool. Using DS2 on wool rugs works really well. We use the Cimex and the DS2 in the wash pit and on rugs we don't fully immerse. We have had problems though on other rugs when using Hydrox. We used it on a white synthetic rug to get part of the rug as light as the rest of the rug and it ended up pulling too much color and turned it yellow. Luckily, I fixed it with a little carpet dye. So we rarely use it on rugs. I won't say never but it is rare, but never on wool that I remember.

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