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How does the citas mat washing procedure work
not how they clean them but how much do they charge ? how often do they clean them. and i guess it does not have to be citas any rug mat washing company for that matter
I've never heard of them. Cintas?
they have large washing machines
yeah i am sure they clean them in a washing machine and yes sorry for the spelling mistake Cintas.. I am more curious abut how much do they charge?a how often do they clean them...I am sure its a volume thing tied in with other services so i am sure it would be hard for a small company to make any money cleaning them but i was curious
They are in the rental business it is so much a week depending on mat size
No way you can come close to them

Cintas bundles all sorts of services. Cleaning products, uniforms, office cleaning, restroom cleaning and carpet/floor cleaning.

They've been running an aggressive radio ad out here promoting all of their services and how they can be a turn key solution for cleaning, linen and uniform services.

(04-23-2013, 01:52 PM)DON ELDRED Wrote: They are in the rental business it is so much a week depending on mat size
No way you can come close to them
I got called out last month to clean a problem carpet for a janitorial company that sometimes subs work to us. The carpet had been previously cleaned and it looked horrible! There was major wicking! The entire carpet was just nasty, and you could see that it would want to wick again if special care wasn't made during the cleaning.

Guess what building it was? And guess who had cleaned it before us? It was a Cintas building (the division of Cintas that handles Safety Equipment). The company that subbed the work to us was providing "office cleaning" for Cintas. And this carpet had just been cleaned by Cintas. They had a little trouble with this one. We got it to look good again!

Cintas carpet before we re-cleaned it...
[Image: cintas-before.jpg]

Cintas carpet after we re-cleaned it...
[Image: cintas-after.jpg]

These iPhone photos don't really do it justice! The carpet looked a hundred percent better after we re-cleaned it. Like night and day.

Oh, and here's a photo I took of a calendar hanging in their office. I thought it was ironic. Notice the bottom where it features carpet cleaning. Yet they were having trouble cleaning their own carpet. LOL
[Image: cintas-calendar.jpg]
Nice Rick, very nice.
Awesome Rick... love that
They sub out their carpet cleaning in our area, have had a few calls to do the work but turned it down mostly in shopping malls and Sunday nights.
Cintas subs the janitors and the janitors sub you.


Out here they use A/T's. I bet they soak the carpet everywhere they go.

Side note: what kind of wand is that guy using in the calendar?

(04-24-2013, 06:34 AM)encapman Wrote: I got called out last month to clean a problem carpet for a janitorial company that sometimes subs work to us. The carpet had been previously cleaned and it looked horrible! There was major wicking! The entire carpet was just nasty, and you could see that it would want to wick again if special care wasn't made during the cleaning.

Guess what building it was? And guess who had cleaned it before us? It was a Cintas building (the division of Cintas that handles Safety Equipment). The company that subbed the work to us was providing "office cleaning" for Cintas. And this carpet had just been cleaned by Cintas. They had a little trouble with this one. We got it to look good again!

Cintas carpet before we re-cleaned it...
[Image: cintas-before.jpg]

Cintas carpet after we re-cleaned it...
[Image: cintas-after.jpg]

These iPhone photos don't really do it justice! The carpet looked a hundred percent better after we re-cleaned it. Like night and day.

Oh, and here's a photo I took of a calendar hanging in their office. I thought it was ironic. Notice the bottom where it features carpet cleaning. Yet they were having trouble cleaning their own carpet. LOL
[Image: cintas-calendar.jpg]
The "wand" is a Zipper Junior.

They were a specialist item with a lot of mods; which were featured elsewhere.

They also came with a hefty price tag.

I believe that they were finally sold to a very large franchise group and no longer allowed to be sold to the individual carpet cleaner.

I was also led to believe that the franchise was someone else, other than Cintra, now I'm not sure.Blush

As a side note, Interlink now has a similar contraption for those die hard hwe's.

Shortwun out...

PS::: In commercial properties, I reckon my Cimex zips all over them, AND without all the hassles of hoses, noisy machines, fumes, etc; Tongue Big Grin
Besides carpet cleaning, I also own a medical linen service. One of the products we offer is rental mats. The price is usually $0.15 to $0.20 per square foot per mat per week, so a 3' x 10' mat would cost the customer $4.50 per week at $0.15 per square foot. Our largest account is a small hospital and they have approx 52 mats we service each week. In order to make it profitable, you'll need access to a large industrial washing machine with at least 100 lbs capacity. These washers typically cost $7,000-$12,000 used, 12-15 years old. You absolutely cannot wash these mats in anything smaller unless you were washing one or two at a time which is pointless.

The industrial quality mats that you would need are very expensive but they are designed to last 5-10 years. The profit margins are nowhere near carpet cleaning; it's a volume-based business. We only offer it as an add-on to our linen business. I hope this helps.
Ok, I've been asked not to cause trouble here, but I have to ask if I'm looking at different pictures? There doesn't appear to be much difference between the before and the after.
I've never known you to cause trouble $Marty. Rolleyes

Re; the Zipper, I've since been advised that there was a time limit on how long before Erik could once more sell to carpet cleaners & that time limit has now lapsed.

As to Rick's pics, I can see a lightening of the carpet, even allowing for the contrast against the walls.

He also did qualify the pics by saying that the pics did not do justice to the carpet cleaning.

Maybe $Marty, at your age, the eyes don't see as good as they used to ?? Tongue

Idea Glad sometimes he doesn't understand what I say, otherwise he may think I'm a troublemaker. Dodgy

I don't regret my past, I just regret the times I've wasted with the wrong people.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or I no longer love what I can do.
Stop moving, start dying........

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