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I need to put a bid on some carpet Fairly open some stains may have to extract some areas.
I how would you bid this with a Cimex or Vario.
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Need more information:
How many sq ft overall? Frequency of service? Soil load? Type of carpet? Convenience to clean? Attitude of the customer?
Lots to consider. It all goes into the mix.
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Sorry about the delay responding this end up being a subcontractor for a national change they wanted to pay us $200 for every quarter so I turn it down. It was 4,225 sqft.
Thank you, all sometimes a forget to express my appreciation for this sight I'v cleaned carpet for about 15 years I've learn more since I'v been here.
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Wow that's just under 5 cents per sq ft. Everyone wants something for nothing
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especially these national companies. good job passing on it!
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Given 270 thank(s) in 248 post(s)
I agree with the comments above!