We often hear nice comments from our customers. But occasionally the feedback is over the moon.
I just had to share this customer's comments. It makes me proud of our little team here at Excellent Supply!
Thanks for the phone call last week. Sorry I missed you. I was in the middle of a job and couldn't get to my phone. However, I have been meaning to email you and to THANK YOU for introducing me to the wonders of encapping and the incredible Cimex! I purchased one from you in December and can honestly say - I LOVE my Cimex! I started in carpet and tile & grout cleaning a couple of years ago and business has been growing steadily. In the beginning, I targeted residential accounts and supplemented my income with businesses. I soon found out, commercial cleaning was the way to go. I could get in the door with carpet cleaning (HWE) and then introduce tile cleaning into the service.
About six months ago, while sweating my brains out dragging 200 feet of hoses into yet another large building and came to the conclusion there had to be a better way of doing that job. I had heard of encapping but was not familiar with the science and process behind it. Through the power of google, it didn't take long to find Excellent Supply and the Encapforum. I literally read all 100+ pages of forum entries and started into the archives and got back into the mid 2000's before I felt I understood the process from an intellectual standpoint. (There is a tremendous amount of comprehensive information on those pages!) I ordered your sample pack and shortly thereafter, a gallon of DS2 and Punch. I cleaned my first store front with my 175 and it came out amazing. The best part was...I didn't drag one hose and I took only my truck.
I did a dozen more jobs with my 175 and loved Releasit. I was hooked. I could really see how a better machine would make a huge difference in time. Again, I read everything I could about the 175/OP/Cimex debate and settled on a Cimex because I really wanted to expand my commercial cleaning service. My first week with it, I did $400 worth of work and was pumped. The true test came a few weeks ago when I went with the youth group from my church to do some work at an inner city church in Oklahoma City. I donated my services to clean their hallways and classrooms and the Cimex did an incredible job - I would even say miraculous. :-) I initially hit everything with Punch and went back with DS2 and I was amazed at the results. I cleaned about 10,000 sqft of the churches carpet and needless to say they were overwhelmed with how it turned out. Literally, tears were shed at how good the carpets came out. I couldn't have done it without the Cimex and Releaseit.
I now have an Oreck Orbiter to go along with my other equipment and can't wait to get a VARIO. I have to do a few more jobs before I can swing that one though. I don't believe I will give up my truck mount because it is a great tool to have when I need it but I am seriously trying to reorganize my business to go primarily commercial encap with the ability to someday use a VARIO on both residential and commercial. I have used my Cimex a couple of times a week since the first of January and get a silly grin every time I roll it off the trailer. I used it today and have two jobs scheduled Friday and I can't wait. (I haven't always been able to say that)
Again, thank you and your staff for being the premier example of customer service. I know it is voiced all the time, but I doubt you get tired of hearing it. I appreciate the time both Brian and Brenda took to explain things to me as I was working through my purchase as well as the follow up since then. You have a great group.
Sorry to have been so windy, but I felt I needed to let you know the affect you have had on myself and my company. I look forward to many years of doing business with Excellent Supply.
I just had to share this customer's comments. It makes me proud of our little team here at Excellent Supply!
Thanks for the phone call last week. Sorry I missed you. I was in the middle of a job and couldn't get to my phone. However, I have been meaning to email you and to THANK YOU for introducing me to the wonders of encapping and the incredible Cimex! I purchased one from you in December and can honestly say - I LOVE my Cimex! I started in carpet and tile & grout cleaning a couple of years ago and business has been growing steadily. In the beginning, I targeted residential accounts and supplemented my income with businesses. I soon found out, commercial cleaning was the way to go. I could get in the door with carpet cleaning (HWE) and then introduce tile cleaning into the service.
About six months ago, while sweating my brains out dragging 200 feet of hoses into yet another large building and came to the conclusion there had to be a better way of doing that job. I had heard of encapping but was not familiar with the science and process behind it. Through the power of google, it didn't take long to find Excellent Supply and the Encapforum. I literally read all 100+ pages of forum entries and started into the archives and got back into the mid 2000's before I felt I understood the process from an intellectual standpoint. (There is a tremendous amount of comprehensive information on those pages!) I ordered your sample pack and shortly thereafter, a gallon of DS2 and Punch. I cleaned my first store front with my 175 and it came out amazing. The best part was...I didn't drag one hose and I took only my truck.
I did a dozen more jobs with my 175 and loved Releasit. I was hooked. I could really see how a better machine would make a huge difference in time. Again, I read everything I could about the 175/OP/Cimex debate and settled on a Cimex because I really wanted to expand my commercial cleaning service. My first week with it, I did $400 worth of work and was pumped. The true test came a few weeks ago when I went with the youth group from my church to do some work at an inner city church in Oklahoma City. I donated my services to clean their hallways and classrooms and the Cimex did an incredible job - I would even say miraculous. :-) I initially hit everything with Punch and went back with DS2 and I was amazed at the results. I cleaned about 10,000 sqft of the churches carpet and needless to say they were overwhelmed with how it turned out. Literally, tears were shed at how good the carpets came out. I couldn't have done it without the Cimex and Releaseit.
I now have an Oreck Orbiter to go along with my other equipment and can't wait to get a VARIO. I have to do a few more jobs before I can swing that one though. I don't believe I will give up my truck mount because it is a great tool to have when I need it but I am seriously trying to reorganize my business to go primarily commercial encap with the ability to someday use a VARIO on both residential and commercial. I have used my Cimex a couple of times a week since the first of January and get a silly grin every time I roll it off the trailer. I used it today and have two jobs scheduled Friday and I can't wait. (I haven't always been able to say that)
Again, thank you and your staff for being the premier example of customer service. I know it is voiced all the time, but I doubt you get tired of hearing it. I appreciate the time both Brian and Brenda took to explain things to me as I was working through my purchase as well as the follow up since then. You have a great group.
Sorry to have been so windy, but I felt I needed to let you know the affect you have had on myself and my company. I look forward to many years of doing business with Excellent Supply.