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HWE with Punch
Rick posted an article some time back on Mikeysboard regarding the use of Punch with HWE. I squirreled it away for future reference, and finally today had the opportunity to try it out.

I hate using my porty, but the maintenance manager at the assisted living facility where we regularly work called me and wanted us to do an apartment which he described as the worst he had seen in 7 years. Now, working the college rental circuit, I have seen worse, but this was pretty bad. Based on his description, I loaded the porty this morning, and off we went. The carpet was literally black, mostly from the hard rubber rims on a wheel chair. We pre-sprayed Punch at 15oz/gallon, let it sit, then proceeded to rinse with hot water. We followed up with the Sprayborg and the MF beasts, again with Punch at 10 oz/gallon. Final absorption step with the gentle MF bonnets. Other than the crushed fiber, it really looked great. In fact, the maintenance manager told me to bump up the billing for this job.

If I could only have one cleaner in the Releasit line, it would be Punch hands down. It cleans like a champ, is very versatile, and now is a proven pre-spray for HWE.
Ed Elliott

Awesome! I am glad to hear that it worked out so well for you Ed Smile

Thanks for sharing your results with us! Keep up the good work.

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