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Chair Safety Video - from our insane crew
OK so a couple of weeks back, during our weekly meeting I was leaning back in my chair. That's actually not a good idea, when the chair your sitting on has wheels. I tipped over backward. So do I get compassion? NO! I got no pity at all. Instead they laughed at me. Undecided

But to help protect others from this kind of workplace hazard - they went ahead and put together this little chair safety video...

LOL Rick pretty cool! Where were you? Filming it?
LOL... Cell phone distractions is so real. The guy seated was also distracted with cell.
Cleaner Carpet. Cleaner Planet.

If you value life
Do not squander time.
Time is the stuff life is made of.
Safety videos could be a whole new revenue generating source for excellent supply! People will buy anything! Go with it Rick!!!
(10-17-2012, 03:36 PM)NJP Wrote: LOL Rick pretty cool! Where were you? Filming it?

Nancy and I weren't in the video because our staff was making this as a surprise for us. Blush
Being a former nurses aide, I have seen many bubble wrap accidents, not pretty not pretty.
So this morning, I go in for our staff meeting - and this is what they've attached to my chair. Gotta love my crew. Dodgy

[Image: chair.jpg]
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