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After many sleepless nights i bought the Hos Orbot sprayborg a few months ago. I thought a lot about the Cimex but feel that Orbot is the better choice for me. I like the machine but noticed that i use more solution then with my pump up and rotary. Is there anything i am doing wrong? Do i have to adjust the spray tips in a different way? I realy like the onboard sprayer but have to get learn how i use the sprayer in the right way so that i do not use too much solution...
I am thankfull for every advice!
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What I did was got some smaller diameter spray tips.
Are your's 6504?
Should say on the spray tip.
I went to a ag supply place and got some that sprays half as much.
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Agriculture supply place for farmers is what I have here.
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Hi Bernd,
I did convert my Orbot to a one jet sprayer. It requires you to go slower but it works for me.
My system is time consuming but I get very good results and I charge more than most.
I vacuum first with a Certified Pile Brush followed by using a 175 floor machine with a Gray pad to scrub.
Final step is Orbot with a blue Microbeast pad. Then have customer vacuum when dry.
Each step extracts dirt for a total of 4.
If all you have is an Orbot in a heavy soiled carpet I would slow down and do more scrubbing.
Then use cotton / SuperZorb type bonnets to help remove soil load followed by blue microbeast bonnet.
Should only have to do that in the really bad areas!
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Happy to hear about your big commercial job Bernd!
I am sure you will have great success!
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Thank you Lee! It is one of my biggest jobs. I have a helper who is vaccuming and is refelling the bottles of the Orbot with cleaning solution. Hope to reach 1000 sq/fts hour.
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nice account you picked up Bernd! if you haven't already, strongly consider purchasing the Orbot weight kit. it will GREATLY improve the encap-cleaning results. for speed definitely keep the 2 jets instead of 1.