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Fiber plus pads
Hey guys im pretty new to Encapsulation carpet cleaning and i recently did a restaurant using Fiber Plus pads. The pads got dirty pretty quick which is frickin awesome i know it's doing its job.
My question is when these pads get filthy on both sides do you all just hose them off or just keep rolling . The site really doesn't explain usage of them, so i figure id ask.. Im assuming you don't just keep running a dirty pad. Do you all machine wash these or just wash off with a hose? Thanks in Advance for any input!
  Reply   Purge Spammer
That's a good question. It really comes down the application of cleaning that you're performing.

1. If you shower feed the solution (like with a Cimex machine, or a rotary machine with a tank) there's no need to rinse the pads. The pads will be perpetually flushed as the solution passes through the pads. This keeps the pads relatively clean. They'll get slightly gray, but nothing too significant.

2. If you're spraying the solution onto the carpet, then the pads will need to be rinsed frequently. Why? Because the FIberPlus pads will behave very much like a bonnet. Soil will be drawn into the pads, and the pads will become soiled quickly.

NOTE: Each time you remove pads from the pad drivers it will weaken the pad's ability to grip firmly to the pad driver. So keep that in mind if you plan to remove the pads to rinse them. This is another advantage of going with the solution feed method: You can leave the pads on till they wear down to about 1/4" - at which time they can be disposed of and replaced.
I used the Fiber Plus pads last weekend with my Cimex and cleaned the hotel floors of two Holiday Inns.

They last a veeeeery long time...cleaned more than 12.000 sq/ fts with only one set!!!

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