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do you guys encap Frieze or shag carpet or is it just a market you try to say away from ?
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I did a frieze last week with releasit ds2 and punch and a crb. Turned out great!
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Just did frieze with hydrox and crb.. Strictly encap with no pad cap.. Looked amazing
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i have with mixed results at first. now i use a strong ratio of encap solution and i'll only use something with Hydrogen Perox in it (like Hydrox)
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I love frieze carpet - especially with the brush.
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I have used OP on frieze for years without any problem.
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Just curious if anyone has cleaned a "California Frieze". They are about 3 inches thick and carpet strands lay down..I haven't cleaned one in a while but wanted to know if anyone has encap cleaned one and what machine was used.