Encapsulation carpet cleaning and commercial carpet care forum by Excellent-Supply.com & Releasit
carpet protector - Printable Version

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carpet protector - leofry@1966 - 08-09-2013

i want to know what your guys thoughts on carpet protector.
I clean residential with HWE and use a green product so although i want to sell protector i wonder if its counter productive to the green cleaning.

do you guys sell much and what about when you encap a commercial carpet and they say they want it to be scotchguared whats your statement back to them ?

RE: carpet protector - Rob D - 08-09-2013

Every training course I been to they say increase your profits by adding on deodorizer and scotchgard... I personally disagree. Especially since I have moved straight to vlm...I very rarely fall short of work because I don't abuse my customers with outrageous up sells . I feel that ricks products which contain soileze is more than sufficient and with how long the carpets stay clean before resoiling is my proof. I do add soileze to the products that don't contain it unless customer is dead against adding to bio encap.jmo

RE: carpet protector - prodrying - 08-09-2013

We sell the soileze on residential cleaning and on commercial cleaning. We sell it on about 50% of all our cleaning jobs. It's a great product and a really nice ad-on to jobs. We price by the square footage and so we sell it at half our cleaning price.