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Ordered my new Cimex today
I decided a couple of weeks ago to add vlm to my arsenal mainly for commercial work.

I went in thinking cimex all the way but as I started researching (reading the boards and watching YouTube videos) I started bouncing around in my head from cimex to orbot to crb to low boy.

The thing that started moving me away from the cimex to these other machines was the thought of being able to get some use of them in residential setting whether as a pre scrubber before extracting with the truck mount or as a stand alone vlm cleaner to use in place of my portable on high rise condos.

Anyway I came full circle back to the cimex because I wanted the option to shower feed or on board sprayer, limiting me to orbot or cimex. Settled on cimex because I believe it to be the commercial king (main my reason for equipment purchase) plus I just couldn't justify $3500 for the sprayborg plus I'd still have to spend another $300 or so on pads.

My next purchase will probably be a low boy for the ability to vlm the high rise condos.

I'm hoping to keep the cimex on the van full time so I can swing in and do demos with any free time I might have but in order for it to earn a full time spot on my van it'll have to do the job of replacing my 175 for pre scrubbing residential. Does anyone use a cimex for that? Is there any reason it will not fit the bill for that purpose?

PS I bought the 19 inch with the big boy wheel kit.

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Nice, congrats. You'll love it on cgd.
(07-05-2013, 09:42 PM)Derek Wrote: Nice, congrats. You'll love it on cgd.

Thanks Derek, I haven't been this excited about a piece of equipment in a long time. Big Grin

Any reason for me to buy brushes for this thing? If so which ones, soft or firm? Or the fiber pads are all I need?

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Congrats! I bought my Cimex from ES as well. One of the best purchases I've ever made. IMO, the FiberPlus pads are all you need for commercial. Best of luck to you. Hope you make a million bucks!
For commercial carpet all you will need are the pads. If you get the 8 inch tuways you can take it in to residential and use it as a prescrub, if you use encap chems while doing this you will actually see that there will be little left for the truckmount to clean up. After you do use the truckmount you will be awesome.
Happy for you Joey. You're gonna love the Mex. Wise choice on the wheel kit also. Easiest to run VLM machine ever made.
You will be able to bid jobs now that were out of the question before.
I also love my Cimex unit, I tripled my commercial work and it is always a client-pleaser!

and yes, I have used it on special residential situations before I received my OP unit........
(07-05-2013, 10:06 PM)ebarnett Wrote: For commercial carpet all you will need are the pads. If you get the 8 inch tuways you can take it in to residential and use it as a prescrub, if you use encap chems while doing this you will actually see that there will be little left for the truckmount to clean up. After you do use the truckmount you will be awesome.

Should i not use the fiber plus for prescrubbing residential?

(07-05-2013, 10:15 PM)Joe G Wrote: Happy for you Joey. You're gonna love the Mex. Wise choice on the wheel kit also. Easiest to run VLM machine ever made.
You will be able to bid jobs now that were out of the question before.

Thanks Joe, I can't wait. I've deliberately avoided some jobs that just seemed like they would be too much trouble for the truck mount, that's about to end I hope.

(07-05-2013, 10:02 PM)Blue Ridge Floor Care Wrote: Congrats! I bought my Cimex from ES as well. One of the best purchases I've ever made. IMO, the FiberPlus pads are all you need for commercial. Best of luck to you. Hope you make a million bucks!

Thanks, I can't wait. I'm hoping its going to be a game changer for me.

Ps I just thought of another question. Do you guys ever find a need to follow up the Cimex with some kind of bonnets for some actual soil removal? Wondering if I should invest in some microbeasts or superzorbs for my 175 to follow up the Cimex on real bad ones?

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Fiber plus would be fine for most residential carpets, for the more delicate ones you may want to use the bonnets. I like the bonnets in residential because you will pick up some soil on them as you go, but because you are coming behind with the truckmount it probably isn't necessary. Most guys dont use the cimex when doing vml in residential. If you wanted to go that route most would probably just use the 175 or op. Now in commercial if i need a little more soil removal i throw on the tuways on the cimex, prespray the area heavily, allow some dwell time, extract as much soil or grease as possible (on one restaurant I went through 12 tuways in a greasy traffic lane) then encapsulate with fiber pads.
I have used Cimex followed by trinity OP with glad pads- KO's even the most problematic carpet situations. Hydrox and DS2 is my juices of choice for encap.
Congratulations on your Cimex purchase! And thank you for purchasing it from us at ES. You're gonna love it!!!

The Big Boy wheels bring the machine to a whole new level. And you won't need brushes for normal cleaning. The FiberPlus pads will take ca of everything you're likely to run across. If you want to pull some additional soil, the 8" Tuway bonnets can be used to draw some additional soil.

Thank you again for your order. Anything we can do to assist you - just let us know.

Happy encapping!

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman
Thanks Rick, I can't wait for it and the marketing CD to come in so I can put it to work.

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