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Easiest sale ever!
I stopped in a local organic fertilizer place this morning to drop off the keys and pick up a check for the yearly cleaning I did yesterday. While I was there the owner said hey we would like to have you start doing this every three months. Can you do that?
I said yes sir I can. I said I can set you up on an email reminder with a week notice - would that work for you?
Yes that's great.
I wish they were all that simple. Lol

Sent from my iPhone
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
Amen to that !
living the dream when every customer asks you for that!
nice Mike!
Way to go Mike.
Now try to line up a few more like that one. Smile
That's great Mike! You might want to evaluate your pricing for quarterly vs annual....depending on the job sometimes I'll drop a little....
Thanks guys. I just thought I'd share that since it's a fairly rare event for me thus far.
Splitting my time between 2 different service businesses while trying to work my way out of one of them .......I feel a bit like the "spinning plates" guy at the circus sometimes.
As a result, I don't always have time to focus on selling.
I'm hoping that my 12 year old step son will take an interest someday in the cc business. He is already a salesman. He could sell snow cones in the Arctic. Probably even yellow ones. Tongue
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL

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