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Hey Rick, what ever happened to the scrub 3? Did it not work out?
I thought it was a genius idea!
Do you have any left or know of anyone selling one?
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I have been tinkering with an orbital head conversion for 175's. Just not sure that the speed is enough.
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I have one that I would be willing to sell.
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Thanks for the reply Rick!
I still think it was/is an awesome idea! What was it that you guys didn't like about it? Did it clean well?
The reason I'm so interested is because I'm looking for a Cimex, but love the simplicity of my 175. If I could get Cimex results with my 175 and the scrub 3.... That would be prefect!
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I must admit that I also liked the idea of the Scrub 3 in theory.
But I do have some misgivings that it would perform as well as a Cimex, especially when the added weight of the Mex; is taken into consideration.
The Mex; in my opinion, is the greatest maintenance/restorative cleaner on two wheels (that also has three on the floor as standard).
I guess I'm just a bit prejudiced towards all rotary machines after seeing a lot of back problems go after the last rotary went.
Do yourself a favour, buy a Cimex as soon as you can, it will make a world of difference to the way you clean.
Short 1
I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or no longer love what I do.
Stop moving, start dying........
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I agree with shorty on this. Since getting my Cimex I no longer have any use for a 175. If im cleaning carpet, the Cimex is the obvious choice. Need to scrub grout? The Cimex is easier and gets superior results. Need to strip small VCT? That is what the Cimex was originally built for!
So if you do a bunch of floor work, the Cimex is the way to go.
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I agree,
EXCEPT for your
quoted source.

This'll cost you a pint of Guinness next time.
Short 1
I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or no longer love what I do.
Stop moving, start dying........