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  How Black2White Carpet Cleaning has Cleaned Residential Carpets For 10 Years
Posted by: Black2WhiteCarpetCleaning - 12-12-2013, 12:31 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (16)

1) Vacuum the clients carpet really good, use a bag less vacuum, professional grade. If you don't see the fine dirt it's not doing the job.
2) Pre Spray the areas that need to dwell, pretty much all spots.
3) We use a 175 RPM MUSTANG /w a Carpet Cleaning Brush tight Bristles, getting out all hair and deep down dirt that the Truck Mount Suction Machines can't do.
4) Bonnet Cleaning with a Queen Royal, Double Sided Pad to Extract the extra Dirt in carpet.
5) Give advice to customer on how to maintain their carpets using a better vacuum and spotting techniques.
6) Service there vacuum to make sure they have a decent vacuum to use.

I have bet over 16 HWE Company's Steam or Not on my 175.

Black2White Carpet Cleaning

And yes releaseit is my # 1 product and nothing else.

Black2White Carpet Cleaning

[Image: uqusejej.jpg][Image: yzy2aveb.jpg][Image: 3usa4y2u.jpg][Image: eta3ubus.jpg]

Black2White Carpet Cleaning

  Pad capping with the cimex
Posted by: P Cleaner - 12-11-2013, 09:07 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

Any one else applying your encap juice and then putting on 8in. pads and going over the wet area. I have found a better looking clean and no post vac at the end of the job. P Cleaner.Smile

  Scrub 3?
Posted by: Lefty724 - 12-11-2013, 11:21 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (12)

Hey Rick, what ever happened to the scrub 3? Did it not work out?

I thought it was a genius idea!

Do you have any left or know of anyone selling one?

  NOT CC - In a Leather
Posted by: Shorty - 12-10-2013, 05:01 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (10)

Rick & Nancy are so lucky to live in Florida, a place I imagine, (as I've not been there), to be somewhat similar in climate to my own little patch.

Nice temps; plenty of wind & rain during the wet & NO SNOW.

But, I digress, here's a couple of pics from yesterday.

Some of you may have seen my ugly mug, but this is my partner in Grime, Del.

'n this is the country we must suffer working in.

[Image: DelCLC1_zpsd72c7e1f.jpg]

NO SNOW !!!!!!!!

We'd just finished one leather suite, one more to go.

This is some of her handiwork.

[Image: LeatherEdgeHill032_zps112d4b4e.jpg]

Then it was time for lunch with a couple of coldies and off to the next suite in an empty house.

I don't always clean carpets. Tongue

  Pricing/strategy/any help appreciated
Posted by: TYMAR - 12-10-2013, 02:59 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (12)

Hello all

Am bidding on an account for the janitorial tomorrow. I'm meeting with the President of the company. When I arrived for my walkthrough, they also requested a bid for carpet cleaning. Here are some of the details:

2650 SF of total carpet
Basement is owners office, 924 SF maroon tight cut pile. Only access is by steps.

The rest of the carpet, 1726 SF, in the facility is on ground/main level with 14 steps and 1 landing leading up (the steps and landing are not included in the SF. I typically charge $3/step and $5/landing. It is CGD, dark blue with tan and gray specs. The areas consist of: Lobby, 2 hallways, conference room, 5 offices

It is vacuumed every day and seems to be in very good shape. It's a finishing business (powder coating, various coatings, etc.) Overall, the facility is very clean, including the warehouse. Mats are used at all entrances. The facility and carpet look pretty clean. The carpet was new in '09, and it's been over a year since they had anything other than vacuuming done to it. I'm in MN, so we are not dealing with snow/salt.

Now, do I just quote them a price for one time/once per year. If so, what per SF?

Do I quote them different options, twice per year, quarterly?

Try set up a monthly? If so, how and what to charge for different areas and frequency of each area. I do have the CMS program, but have yet to use it.

Is the 2650 SF total too small to make it worth setting up a monthly maintenance.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. I have a meeting with the President tomorrow, Wednesday, 12/11/13.

Rick, any suggestions, strategy. Would it be better to talk to you on the phone?

Thanks guys!

Video Video of the LowBoy SWK in action (with the VARIO Spray & ShowerFeed System)
Posted by: encapman - 12-06-2013, 06:44 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (8)

Here's a video that we just finished showing the LowBoy on a soiled carpet. As normal, the picture you see doesn't show how bad the carpet really was. Overall though I think it gives a snapshot of how the carpet turned out. The results were pretty impressive. It also gives you an idea of how the LowBoy with the SWK and VARIO spray system looks in the real world.

  Working With Back Pain....
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 12-06-2013, 03:43 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

Was in an auto collision back in late October. Ever since then I've been dealing with some severe lower back pain. It ratchets up whenever I am done working for the day and often when traveling in between jobs.

Anybody else coping with this?

Any tips you could share?


  Winter in Vermont
Posted by: P Cleaner - 12-03-2013, 10:00 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

Well, how many cleaners use the weather elements to your advantage in your marketing to commercial clients. We have been getting a lot of ice so the roads an parking lots are good an salty the worst look as you walk into a business is salt stain traffic lanes.
I have found the white salt residue brings we have to clean the carpets more than a dark dirty traffic lane.
P CleanerTongue

Posted by: P Cleaner - 12-03-2013, 09:36 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

Just installed the dura grip plate driver on the borg and now I can use ANY pad what a nice feature. Thanks excellent supply my Velcro driver has seen better days but you guys&gals at excellent supply just keep getting better & better. P Cleaner

  Shelf life of Encap products?
Posted by: bonedrycarpet - 12-02-2013, 12:09 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

Just curious what the shelf life is on Encap Clean DS and Punch? I have had a couple of bottles for 6 months or so, and now I am starting to use them and am getting lines in carpet. They never froze, but did get warm in trailer.

Also, can I mix in Punch with DS for an added boost?