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Posted by: denclean - 11-22-2013, 04:58 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)


  Why Everyone Needs a CRB....
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 11-22-2013, 04:14 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

Did a repeat job this morning. Had cleaned for her a year (maybe 2?) ago. This was prior to my purchasing the BrushEncap machine. This job once again proves to me how important of a tool the CRB is. Now keep in mind that I still pad - or HWE depending on who I'm working with, etc. - when using the BrushEncap.

In this case the customer had two dogs. She vacuums regularly. Upon arrival we set up the CRB and went to town. The amount of hair and sand that was pulled out of the carpet blew us away. Now, I don't doubt that a TM - especially with a rotary extractor - will pull out a lot hair. But as much as we did? Not sure about that.

In the case of VLM cleaning (which I love) it is simply impossible to remove this much debris from the carpet.

Once the CRB run was complete we followed with a quick vacuum then spray and pad. Place came out great.

Anyway, check out the clip below. Also, I included a couple of pics. One is of the brushes after they were soaked in a bucket with Odorcide for about 2 - 3 minutes and rolled back and forth. These brushes are definitely absorbing something. The second pic is of all the hair and gunk pulled from the carpet after the job was complete. In entirety it was a loft, hallway and two small size rooms. The place was furnished to boot so there was even less exposed space then you might imagine.

[Image: CAM00142_zpsa2ce9f40.jpg]

[Image: CAM00140_zpscd85ff10.jpg]

  Newbie getting plan together.
Posted by: Done Right - 11-21-2013, 07:37 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (8)

I am new to this forum and have found it to be very educational and with a good sense of respect for eachother. Many forums today (whatever the topic) seem to be angry and just downright unhelpful. I have spent some time and read past threads,made notes and reviewed products. With that being said, I would like to layout my inital approach to getting started and get feedback.
I currently work a full time job and wish to develope and carpet cleaning business parttime with the hopes of it overtaking my full time job. Currently I have my evenings and weekends free to dedicate to the new business. I am thinking my inital focus will be encap cleaning and my customer focus will be aprtments / motels /realtors. I have extensive Real estate, property management company contacts coupled with Motel owners. Additionally, it is important I should point out this "start up" will be done with a very limited budget. Earnings will be directly returned to the business for growth.

Recently I purchased a refurbished "Whittaker" 21 machine with two new Blue brushes.
At this point I am working on finishing the layout of my marketing materials.
My direct questions to the forum are :
Will this machine (if in good running condition) allow me to get a good start?
What basic solutions should I purchase to get started? Forum has some conflictinng ideas.
What is a good hand held divice to do steps?
Bid Price: I will do market research, but is there a ballpark $ /sg.ft for vacant apartments? A launching point, then I will adjust as I inspect the condition.

I hope that is not to much to blert out, I am excited and my head is full of 1000 ideas and questions.
Thank you in advance for your time and replys.

  Orbital machines
Posted by: jbrightwell - 11-21-2013, 04:15 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

I am in the market for an orbital machine and would like some input from owners. The machine will be used as a tool to complement my TM, Cimex, Brush Pro, and 175.

Is the HOS really worth 3x the Oreck Low Boy?

Does a 'wheels on the ground' set up make that much of a difference?

In addition to the HOS and Oreck, what other machines should I review?


  Best product to use for hwe?
Posted by: Lefty724 - 11-21-2013, 11:22 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (6)

Hey Rick, gonna start playing with Punch, Hydrox, and DS with hwe.

In your opinion, what is the best chem to use for hwe? I would love to just use one product line! Thanks

  installing new belt on Cimex
Posted by: Cosway_Toronto - 11-20-2013, 11:31 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

How easy is it to install a new belt?
any video on this or is it just plug and play?

  Anyone know what this is?
Posted by: FloorCareMD - 11-20-2013, 10:22 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)


The edging machine. Looks like it would be useful when dry-stripping with the orbot.

  100% wool carpet with cimex questions
Posted by: Rick - 11-19-2013, 09:07 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

I have a estimate in high end hotel with 100% wool carpets. I will be giving a estimate for HWE (i have that part covered) and for Encap with cimex. First off am i better off cleaning with cimex and what price per sqft was thinking .12 to .15 cents? Also i have plenty of DS-2 should i use it on wool? Any other tips or advice would be great!


  CRB - 20
Posted by: randyg6224 - 11-19-2013, 11:33 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

I'm thinking of buying the CRB-20. I currently own 2 Cimex's. I use one daily to pre-scrub my residential carpet pre-spray and scrub tile/grout. I do Cimex (encap) approximately 80% of my CGD, while pre-scrubbing the balance of my CGD for HWE. My question is: how would a CRB-20 fit into my arsenal when I'm utilizing the Cimex in so many different ways? I read so much about CRB machines these days, and would like to add one. I would appreciate any thoughts! Thanks

  Assisted living facility
Posted by: pauluscarpetcare - 11-18-2013, 04:04 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

I'm cleaning an assisted living facility that houses patients with severe dementia. There's a strong urine odor in the carpet and I was wondering if the combination of my cimex,ds2,and odorcide will take care of the problem. I have a TM but cant use it in this situation. Thanks in advance. Kurt