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  grape juice on commercial wool blend carpet
Posted by: KennyWright - 12-29-2013, 03:31 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (10)

My church's light green commercial wool blend carpet has a lot of grape juice spots 2-3 weeks old. I am thinking I should try Hydrox mixed a little strong and a Cimex for starters. Ay other suggestions?


  VLM or Encap only
Posted by: lowxposure - 12-29-2013, 01:45 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

I am a housekeeping director at a small to medium sized hospital, and the entrepreneur in me has decided that it's time to build a business of my own. I've been doing a significant amount of reading about the carpet and hard floor cleaning business, and I've decided for my market that VLM/Encap will be my only carpet cleaning method.

I'm trying to make the best investment for my initial capital that will allow me to provide a high quality of service with minimumal expense. My goal is to provide hard surface and carpet cleaning at about 60/40 commercial to residential. As my experience is in VCT I will be starting with a bid to strip and wax a dental clinic (it's a lock)... to be completed about mid-January. For that I will need a rotary.

My question; is anyone out there exclusively running a 175 rotary on CGD and Residential carpet? The rotary will not be my go to forever, as I pick up accounts I will pick up an OP and a Cimex (in that order). Since I am the labor and all of my labor and profit will be re-invested in the business I am not too worried about my productivity rate (although it definitely matters). My main concern is the results.

Should I just bite the bullet and buy an OP along with my rotary? If I can use my rotary, what kind of results can I expect?

  NOT CC - Biking in Japan.
Posted by: Shorty - 12-28-2013, 03:11 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Chicago-ites will not like this, with the city council looking at placing a $25 fee on cyclists.

Japan beats this by going underground.


& while I'm on this subject, Australia's favorite car, Holden, will be no longer made in Australia after 2016.

Detroit will be building and exporting the Holden badged cars to Australia.

GM-H, General Motors - Holden has been an icon down under since 1948

A boost in employment in Detroit.

A major kick in the tail for Australia.

I found it rather strange ??, that GM-H announced this, a week or so before Christmas, and ever since has been bombarding the tv channels with ads stating that Holden is here to stay, even though they will no longer be built in Australia.

They had been pushing the Oz guv-urn-mint for more $$$$$$ & they refused.

Flamin' guv-urn-mint don't giver me no millions of greenbacks.

I shan't buy another Holden, my money will probably go to Toyota who has well and truly demonstrated how reliable their vehicles are.


Posted by: bmas - 12-27-2013, 11:21 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Hello, I am new to the board and wanted to know if it was possible to Encap using a rotovac. I have the brush drive and am capable of using pads. I have a client that i want to touch main areas every couple of months and would like to try the Encap process
Thanks for any help

Star Year End Releasit Special
Posted by: encapman - 12-26-2013, 11:33 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Thank you to all of our great friends and customers.

Thanks for another great year! We've decided to run a year end special.

Add 1 case, 2 cases, or 3 cases
of Encap-Clean DS2 to your cart
and save $15, $40, or $65.

[Image: 2013-year-end.jpg]

P.S. This special is now live.

  Thank you Rick
Posted by: Shorty - 12-26-2013, 06:36 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

Back in 2004 I traveled from Cairns to Las Vegas to the Riviera Casino specifically to meet Rick Gelinas and try out his Cimex.

I was so impressed with it back then that I bought one when I returned home after that trip.

One thing that I have always remembered when Rick first introduced me to Big Yella were his immortal words:


Following are some pics taken from levels 11 & 13, from my very first large commercial contract, possibly the worlds largest accountancy business.

A contract that I have maintained every six months to this date.

I originally got this contract via a carpet retailer that was called in to quote on replacing the entire carpet on level 11.

He recommended they contact me purely because I had been into his showroom and did a demo clean for him with my 'Mex;

That carpet still has not been replaced.

I'll be back down there again tomorrow to finish the job off.

I reckon Rick & Nancy will recognize a few of these places. Wink

[Image: CnsCorpTower014_zps3519019c.jpg]

[Image: CnsCorpTower005_zpsd3803c44.jpg]

[Image: CnsCorpTower008_zps228d024f.jpg]

[Image: CnsCorpTower010_zpsa38bd9af.jpg]

[Image: CnsCorpTower017_zpsa989eea0.jpg]

I have many times been asked on how do I complete these large jobs on my own, and am reminded of the quote by the Chinese philosopher, Lao-tzu, when he said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

I equate this to carpet cleaning with, "I start at one end and continue until I reach the far end".

I don't go all out as fast as I can, but set a steady pace which I can continue with for up to 14 hours if need be.

Simple really.

Short 1

Posted by: FloorCareMD - 12-24-2013, 03:14 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (6)

I take my youngest son to an allergists Dr.'s office every week. Carpets look dirty but they have a janitorial company (you know the kind, own a few rags and a sponge mop, and pay all helpers as subs) do all their cleaning.
When we went there yesterday, there was the strongest mildew (or mold?) odor I ever smelled throughout the building. The receptionist said that they just had their carpets cleaned.
I snooped some and only info I know is they used a 175 wallbanger and regular extraction soap.

Now, here is the question..... What would /could one do to remove the odor and the source?
Is it possible for a low moisture cleaner to do so or even the use of a portable extractor?


  Changing Cimex Motor
Posted by: randyg6224 - 12-22-2013, 10:46 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

I may have to change out my Cimex motor. Has anybody done this? Is there an after market motor to replace this motor? Thanks for your replies!

  Hydrox on Berber.
Posted by: MikeB - 12-22-2013, 08:46 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

I've cleaned these offices several times and the chair mat areas are always a real challenge.
I tried a strong mix of Hydrox ( a light mist ) this time since its an olefin Berber. Not perfect but it came out the best it ever has.        

Sent from my iPhone

  Ice Storm of 2013
Posted by: P Cleaner - 12-22-2013, 04:41 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

Have not loss power yet, So merry Xmas every one and a Safe one too.Big Grin P Cleaner