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The EncapBoard is Now Clo...
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12-24-2020, 04:48 PM
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cleaning glue down carpet
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11-16-2020, 03:12 PM
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7-Part Commercial Carpet ...
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10-07-2020, 04:25 PM
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Releasit & Fiber pads in ...
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09-22-2020, 04:26 PM
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Cleaning Solutions in hea...
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08-30-2020, 09:56 PM
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Noisy Cimex
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I just bought a Porter Cable polisher for encap |
Posted by: SLOTOOLS - 07-09-2013, 01:10 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Love this little gem, was going to get a Cyclo or a stepson but bought this when it was immediately available at Lowes. The first thing I did was buff my car out, and actually got a couple jobs with neighbors doing their cars! I really enjoy this unit but the buffing pad that came with it did not last, flew into pieces. These buffing pads do have a poor consumer rating but are acceptable to wrap a micropad bonnet around .
I ordered my brushes from autogeek, soft, regular and coarse, did not get the aqua brush. Should have them early next week. Will report back regarding encapping stairs, ect......
Fuser Oil |
Posted by: Hoss - 07-09-2013, 11:27 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Any recommendations on how to remove a stain caused by fuser oil from an old copy machine from commercial carpeting?
VLM in Northeastern Minnesota |
Posted by: Hoss - 07-08-2013, 05:40 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Greetings ~
I wrote an article for one of my blogs about the virtues of VLM and a Library Director in Northeastern Minnesota wants to know if there is anyone in her area that does low moisture cleaning. Is anyone in the vicinity of the Virginia Public Library in Virginia, MN doing VLM?
This is a link to the article here: http://bestofpublib.wordpress.com/2013/0...ors-clean/
There are more public libraries than there are McDonalds in the US and most of them have commercial carpet. I have a lot of readers, so I expect there will be some more referrals requested for library buildings.
Blood and pricing... |
Posted by: fantastic floors - 07-08-2013, 05:06 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Quoting six long hallways of CGD in an old folks home.
Two questions:
1. How would you quote this? I am thinking there's about 3600 square feet
So at .10 cents per square that's only $360. Seems low to me. I think my competition will be HWE.
2. There is a trail of blood on one hall, resident hurt himself and dripped a line of blood while walking out.
How would I clean this?
Black Carpet |
Posted by: cleanerguy - 07-08-2013, 02:58 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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I have to encap a black carpet, I don't feel like dragging my TM hoses up to this second floor conference room. The whole floor is 9000 sq. ft. I will encap the whole thing, but the conference room is a black carpet.
I wonder if they will see a difference.
what did I get myself into |
Posted by: Glenside Steve - 07-08-2013, 01:29 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Here I am, looking for carpet gigs. Figured I would take on almost anything. This guy calls me up wanting some area rugs done. 12 of them. 5x8 cotton. White...he uses them for camping. He said he doesn't expect much but he wants the dried mud/dirt off...So I take them home...I vac'd them up pretty good....presprayed peroxellent and let dwell about 10 minutes...used a bonnet with green scrubs and got nowhere...looks like I didn't even touch it.......presprayed again and used a fiber plus pad, then wet pad and got nowhere...looks like I didn't even touch it....I am not a pro like you guys and I haven't done hundreds of carpets, but what I have done, I always made the custy happy....so I am panicking now since he needs them by the 17th.....
Cat urine removal, part 2: the solution was... |
Posted by: CleanItGreen - 07-08-2013, 01:11 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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In our last episode of the "cat pee chronicles" I was asking what would be effective at removing cat pee from carpet. Rick (our hero) suggested Nature's Miracle urine destroyer, available at your local pet store. I'm here to report that the product works. You guys can shoot me because stupid me was so focused on getting the pee up that I didn't take pictures, but after applying a liberal amount of the stuff to the stains (one o which was dark from multiple hits) and letting it sit for a while, the pee came up via white towels and some extraction with a spotter. Customer was very happy. Oh and i'm going to start charging a few bucks extra for that. it was some work!
Gain fireworks! Women love it! |
Posted by: JuddBowers - 07-08-2013, 10:01 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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![[Image: pPGGainMar13.jpg]](http://www.samplestuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/pPGGainMar13.jpg)
The scent of Gain is not really that great to me. It smells ok, but for some reason, women absolutely love the stuff! (most I've encountered anyway)
I bought some of these scent pellets, sprinkled them on the floor, vacuumed them up, and it releases the scent the entire time until I change the bag. Homeowners love it!
I was wondering about adding a few to my RTU cleaning solution. I don't want to mess with the effectiveness of the polymer, because that defeats the purpose of encap cleaning imo, otherwise I'm just shampooing carpet.
I made up some RTU DS2, 4oz per gallon, about 10 of these pellets (equivalent to a tablespoon in my 5 gallon battery sprayer). Smells great! Just like Odorcide fresh scent, but waaaaay cheaper!
I tested the polymer in 4 glass dishes, two with the pellets, two without. With the scented RTU, I swabbed one dish, lightly coating the entire base. The other I put about 2 tablespoons to make a tiny puddle. I repeated those steps with regular DS2, with no other additives.
I woke up this morning and couldn't tell the difference. Both flaked away effortlessly. I did notice that the scent had almost dissipated completely. (probably just encapsulated) Anyway, it seems at first to be a very inexpensive way to add a pleasant scent. Especially to the vacuum.
Label says, "Safe for all colors and fabrics."
I still love the regular scent of Releasit products. They smell "clean" to me. I've never had anyone complain about the scent of DS2, but I've gotten a ridiculous amount of complements on the Gain scent.
Just thought I'd share.
Playing Around With The BrushEncap.... |
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 07-07-2013, 11:39 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (5)
Got the 15" BrushEncap on Wednesday. Some notes:
-Machine is super simple to put together. Even I could do it with ease....which is saying a lot!
-Comes with a paint brush to clean the machine brushes, but no power cord aside from the base 3' cord. I thought that was funny.
-Got the brown brushes in addition to the standard white. Instructions say to break the brown brushes in prior to use by running them on wet concrete for five minutes. So I did just that. Plain water and the concrete cleaned up well, lol (see pics below).
-Used it on a jani account yesterday. This was purely experimental. The carpet at the account is trashed. The client had taken over the office and the floors were 'as is'. We had both op'd and even TM'd the carpet back in May (friend with a TM did it for me). Tried to clean a small area, no dice.
And today:
Worked this afternoon but did not use the machine. Want to experiment with it more. So when I got home I decided to use it on the carpet dry prior to vacuuming. I know a lot of guys vac and then use the CRB. I wanted to try it the other way around. Reason being is that when I use the Windsor Sensor X12 in homes I tend to get a lot of hair around the beater brush. Tons in fact. So I figure that the CRB would remove the hair and whatever else first and the vac would pull up the rest.
Ran the CRB in the living room and dining room. It did a great job of lifting the fiber. It also pulled out a ton of junk. Fur and sand mostly. Now, the house is vacuumed Monday, Wednesday and Friday, usually without fail. I was shocked at how much junk came out of the renovators. Embarrassed, in fact. FYI, my house has two adults, two small dogs (really small) and a cat. The dogs and cat shed but are groomed. Amazing what came out.
Vacuumed after the CRB. Still pulled out a lot of junk! Also, this was using a Dirt Devil. I use the Sensor for work, but the Dirt Devil in the house. Yes, keep laughing, but the DD is not bad, imo. Anyway, in this case the debris was different. Still some fur, but seemed more like fuzz and this time no sand, but lots of dust particles. At least that's what it looked like.
Will vacuum as usual this week, but in two weeks I will repeat the experiment in reverse order.
It's also worth noting that after the CRB and vac combo the carpet feels better than it ever has. Even after pad capping.
I have an appointment Tuesday at an account I service every 2 - 3 months. It's a retail ammo shop. Can the CRB suffice as a stand alone machine on cgd? From what I had read and after discussing it with others, I would think so? But after not even making a ding on Saturday I am not so sure now. The place is moderately soiled and this will be the first cleaning since May.
Concrete cleaned -
![[Image: 2013-07-06135643_zps8fcde4c1.jpg]](http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd507/cleaningservicepros/2013-07-06135643_zps8fcde4c1.jpg)
CRB debris:
![[Image: 2013-07-07183615_zpsfab9c617.jpg]](http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd507/cleaningservicepros/2013-07-07183615_zpsfab9c617.jpg)
CRB debris from another angle:
![[Image: 2013-07-07183644_zps5b00d849.jpg]](http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd507/cleaningservicepros/2013-07-07183644_zps5b00d849.jpg)
Vac debris:
Pre Spray drying? |
Posted by: BGCD - 07-07-2013, 08:52 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (5)
I know you shouldn't let a normal pre spray dry. But if you are using an encap solution to pre spray. Should that be a concern? We still use HWE a lot. But we are looking at getting a CRB to pre scrub before cleaning. My only concern is the bigger homes. And the pre spray drying. We only run one man vans.