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  Apartment Pricing
Posted by: drytouch - 07-22-2013, 01:10 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

Hey guys, my first thread here.

I'm a long time VLM tech who is starting to do my own work. I'm looking at empty apts. for a company.

My questions: What's the going rate on your run of the mill 1,2,3 BR apts?

How do you charge for specialty work like red stains and urine?

Do you charge extra for upper floors?

And any other helpful hints you may have!

Thanks for any feedback. I'd like to submit a bid that's as professional as my abilities.

  Building Your Commercial Cleaning War Chest....
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 07-22-2013, 02:18 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (12)

What's your ideal commercial floor cleaning equipment and accessory list?

What would you include in order to clean most any type of floors?

Floor types being in most important order:

1. Carpet
2. Tile and grout
3. Wood/laminate
4. VCT

  pink stain
Posted by: fantastic floors - 07-21-2013, 08:47 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

see picture     .
customers dog chewed some kind of firework and this pink stain (looks like dye or something) got all over the carpet from the inside of the firework. Tried hydrox, red zone with steamer and didn't budge. Any suggestions? I think this is one where you have to say just cant do anything with it but maybe one of you have a secret?


  Pad Recommendation Please
Posted by: Blue Ridge Floor Care - 07-21-2013, 03:39 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (16)

Good afternoon gents! I use a Cimex almost exclusively on CGD. I also own a 20" 175. I want to use the 175 with an absorbent bonnet after running the Cimex on the dirtier carpets. What is the most absorbent bonnet that you know of to extract the greatest amount of soil? Thanks!

  Punch for str8 encap'ing?
Posted by: Derek - 07-20-2013, 10:09 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

i think this has been brought up before but i can find it with the Search feature:

can Punch be used as a straight encap solution in a Cimex or CRB?

or is it better off extracted via HWE / OP with wet pads??


  Wondering how to clean carpet, my first time cleaning.
Posted by: cleanclub77 - 07-20-2013, 06:40 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (19)

I have an opportunity to clean commercial carpet in office setting. I don't know how its been cleaned before or when the last time it was cleaned but it do need cleaning. I have a portable hot water extractor and a cimex machine. What would be the best way to handle this job and make a great first impression?

  Advertising and Marketing
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 07-19-2013, 09:51 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (17)

ok first things first.. I am hard headed.

ok i do not advertise at all I mean i don't do radio, news paper, or TV or direct mailing.

I do some what i call marketing, I belong to the chamber and to meetings every month
I face book like crazy with photos and post almost daily.
I have IMO a very good looking web site
I send everyone a thank you card and a yearly reminder card.

but I am getting a little burnt out being on the truck and its not because i am working 50 hours a week if i had 50 of work i would try to have a very good employee that could help me and also give me a day off

I have not really bought in to the advertising ... seems like when i did it i would spend $500 make $400 and lose the $100...

of course everyone has different thoughts on where to put you advertising $$$$

even thought i say i don;t believe in it maybe i am wrong.. so i wonder if i started a advertising program.. Say a budget of mmm $1500 a month could that get me $2500 extra a month that would pay for the advertising and pay for the employee or am i going to lose again

  My new Cimex and Punch (pics)
Posted by: joey895 - 07-18-2013, 10:57 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (18)

You'll have to excuse the crummy cell pics plus the lighting was changing from the beginning of the job to the end of the job.

As we always say, the pics really don't do this job justice. It was for a new customer, turns out he has 44 rental properties. He said he was prepared to tear it out and it was OK if I couldn't save it. I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to see what Punch and the Cimex could do. As a truck mount HWE guy I must say I was thoroughly impressed. I did extract after using scrubbing but I believe I could have skipped it and the customer would have still been tickled. You can't really see it in the pics but most of those black spots were not just spots, not sure what they were but they almost had the consistency of tar.

The process was pre-vac, treat red stains with red vanish, pre-spray with Punch mixed at 10 oz per gallon, scrub with Cimex and fiber plus pads and then extract with the truck mount.

[Image: 8eby9uhy.jpg] Before

[Image: 7agupyqy.jpg] After Cimex scrub

[Image: ygytyjed.jpg] After extraction

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

  How Would You Price This?
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 07-18-2013, 05:59 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (23)

Greeting Gents,

I'd like your feedback please.

Had a commercial bid fall in my lap today. This is a huge furniture wholesale gallery and they want the 'exposed' carpet cleaned. The showroom is loaded with staged furniture and they do not want the furniture moved.

Overall the carpet is not dirty at all. It's just spotted in places. They host parties for various retail buyers and there occasional drinks spilled, etc. and this is the concern.

The place measures a total of 13,326.5 sq. ft.
956 are admin and sales offices that will be cleaned fully.
The remainder is 12,370.5 sq. ft. of sporadic spots with maybe 35% (4,330 sq. ft.) 'exposed' at best.

At first she talked about cleaning the 'exposed' areas. Now she is suggesting spotting only. Spotting only does make sense, I cannot disagree with her thought process. Also, the place will most likely need to be vacuumed.

I'm thinking of putting the bid in with spotting and vaccing only (with the exception of the admin/sales office).

How would you price the spotting and vaccing? Hourly average? If so, how do I guesstimate this?

What machine am I best off using (My fear is over cleaning an area and having it not match up)?


  lowboy wheel kit
Posted by: micky navarro - 07-17-2013, 08:21 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

hey rick,

is this wheel kit for the lowboy available by itself?
