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  Offering Free Demo's
Posted by: Blue Ridge Floor Care - 07-17-2013, 02:21 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

Hey guys! For those of you who offer free demo's, what have your results been in terms of closing more/less sales, customers trying to get larger areas cleaned as part of the demo? Do most customers book their cleaning immediately after the demo, or do they need to confer with others before making a decision? Or, depending on how large the job is, how many of them have you do the job while you are there doing the demo?

I currently do demo's only when requested to do so. Just trying to decide if I really want to promote the free carpet inspection and demo as Rick does in the CMS package. Thanks for the input!

  Glue removal on resi
Posted by: Ed E - 07-17-2013, 05:59 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

Have an appointment next week with a lady who has glue stuck to her carpet. Unsure as to the type of carpet or the type of glue. Told her I would come look at it, but I honestly don't have any experience at removing any type of glue. Any suggestions?

  Do you send a NON guarantee with estimate
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 07-16-2013, 04:42 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

I am sure this will have a lot of controversy, but have you ever been asked to give a estimate on a carpet or tile and grout that has never been cleaned in like say 20 years... even though i tell them hey this has not been cleaned in such a long time i really don;t know what it will do and EVEN with a demo just because that spot come clean does not mean a area in front of the door or the bathroom stall will come as clean ... so i get if its a $100 job maybe you eat it if that is what you want to do but what if you clean a huge restroom and you are getting up all kinds of dirt but there are some areas that did not do well.

A. Do you cover this in the estimate saying you can't guarantee
B. keep cleaning it like 5 times turning a 8 hour job at $100 an hour to a 30 hour job turing it in to a $26 an hour job
C. eat it say your sorry don;t pay
D. just tell them its to far gone, althogh i have seen some dramatic results but i have also not seen then

contrary to what some may say here or on other post somethings can not be restored

  Expanding services
Posted by: infamous dave - 07-16-2013, 04:24 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

I have been carpet cleaning part-time for close to 2 years and things are starting to get really busy for me this year. I use only an old blue CCS machine for carpet cleaning but I need to start investing in more equipment to expand my services.

I cleaned the carpet in a salon a few days ago and the owner asked me if I would also clean her tile and grout floors (about 3 rooms) and a large area of laminate flooring. I also know that I have been turning down a lot of upholstery cleaning that I would love to be able to do.

I was thinking of getting a small spotting machine like they sell at Excellent supply for the upholstery cleaning but if I want to start doing tile and grout, is there a different portable machine I should look at?

I'm just not sure what kind of a job my little CCS machine will do on the T&G so I think my options would be to get a 175 floor machine or a more powerful portable that could handle not only upholstery but T&G.

If you were me, what would you be looking for?

  Hey Rick.....
Posted by: lee@deepclean.us.com - 07-16-2013, 04:06 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (15)

Hey Rick. I saw a pic of the new mini Orbot by Hos. The one with the 11 inch deck. Is that something your will have available in the future?

  Still have my hydox on the shelf
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 07-16-2013, 01:53 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

i am still trying to figure out when to use it.. if its grease its DS2 correct... if its dirt its Ds2 correct... now i know if i go in to a just simply coffee stain then i know its a good place to use hordox but what about the dirt that goes along with the coffee stains

And do you have to worry about the color of the carpet... will it looked bleached in areas or on colored carpet ?

please help me use my hrodox... i am doing a nursing home tonight... is it a good time to use it?????

Big Grin Pick One: Commercial or Residential?
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 07-14-2013, 05:59 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (18)

The easy answer is of course 'both'.

But at the end of the day, you're most likely not going to have a 50/50 business. The hours alone make this very difficult to do. In fact most guys claim 70/30, 80/20 and other such numbers which makes sense.

So if you could go 90/10 or even 100%, which way would it be?

  Hydrox success!
Posted by: MikeB - 07-12-2013, 06:59 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (19)

35 year old sculptured nylon with spill stains. Came out great today with 10 oz / gal Hydrox.
This was an old friends parents house that has been rented out for a few years and trashed. My friend was mortified to see the condition it's in now as the renters move out. His late mother always kept an immaculate home. This time it was "personal". glad I could clean it up for her sake.

  Bought Yet Another Toy....Ooops, I Meant Tool....
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 07-12-2013, 12:07 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

Got a used Tsunami (Steamin' Demon).

Just did a few feet in my house this late afternoon to try it out. Amazingly, the carpet dried fast. Really fast. Less than two hours. Put a Dri Pod on top to help out, but it really didn't seem to need it.

What's your usual process when using the Demon/Tsunami? Do you set it up at the furthest point in the home and move towards the front door (or whatever your point of exit is) similar to a HWE process?

I really want to hook up the customers water heater and not the sink. We have no basements in Las Vegas and 99% of the water heaters are in the garage, usually with a toilet about 15 - 20 feet away. However in order to do a hook up like this I would need to split the hose bundle up.

Is that a bad idea?

Also, how are you setting up? Do you bring in the machine with the hoses already attached or do you do it all separately?

How about stairs?


[Image: 2013-07-11171206_zpsab1b953f.jpg]

  upholstery cleaning
Posted by: ASmith11 - 07-10-2013, 11:05 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (20)

Hello everyone......I'm a newbie and looking for some advice. I bought the Gecko because I want to do some upholstery cleaning and would like to practice on my own furniture first. Any suggestions on proven successful methods I can use? Should I scrub with a brush before trying out the machine? Thank you in advance Shy