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  orbot vs challenger
Posted by: pauluscarpetcare - 04-08-2013, 08:10 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (48)

Really loving my new cimex. Thinking about using vlm in residential setting.
What is the best machine for this application? Currently t/m only but so pleased with the encap process for CGD I'm curious to experiment with pad capping for resi. work.
Thanks in advance.

  After about a year of contemplation on it i bought a cimex
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 04-08-2013, 03:00 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

makes me nervous,not about the machine i am very very confident that the machine is what everyone says it is...but just a lot of money to put out anyway i am excited to get it...

  Greasy restaurant carpet
Posted by: MikeB - 04-07-2013, 09:40 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (16)

What is my beast choice among the releasit line up? I'm thinking punch in the bad areas and DS 2 on the rest but would a bit of hydrox help in the heavy areas? And can I mix hydrox with punch?
I am bidding on 2 places that are each 2000 sq ft plus and I know they are getting them done bi-monthly or so, so I'd like to get the accounts. I frequent both places and can tell when they have been done (HWE guys doing them) always spotty and less than impressive looking. I'd like to be able to blow them away with a demo.

Thumbs Down Adding Clients to your Insurance Policy as Additional Insured
Posted by: Derek - 04-06-2013, 01:45 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (13)

i am fed up with this, but realize it is a necessary evil, at least in NYS it is.

anyone else come across 1 or 5 prospects per year that will give you the $400 job but you are required to add them to your policy as Additional Insured?

costs me about $250 for each company i add to my Additional Insured list Angry

i put it back on them and let them know the deal. yesterday a prospect wanted $136 of halls cleaned. then they remember that i have to list them as Additional Insured. after a lot of irritation i call her back and say the best i can do is if her company pays for half of the $250 it'll cost me. so i'd still have to pay $125 out of my pocket to the Insurance Co., and then i bill her (the Client) $261. she declined.

any one else have to pay this silly fee for adding Client's to the Additional Insured list?

Posted by: SLOTOOLS - 04-05-2013, 08:54 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (13)

Ok today 3 houses, first one was a fancy commercial grade brown carpet - and traffic areas were Black! older upscale house- I used HWE with a Hoss scrubber and then the trinity CM w/ ds2- a knockout job, customer said the last HWE cleaning did not get the traffic areas clean. The OP made the difference, a BIG difference.
Next up a large single story white carpet with pattern, same here - HWE/ Hoss combo - OP and DS2- also cleaned all their rugs using hydrox and another rug cleaner I use for problem rugs. Just spectacular results.

next was a 3 bedroom home with newer but SOILED carpet- no electricity was available so I used Hydrox w/HWE- another win!!

Tomorrow (Saturday) I Have a 4000 plus sqft home and has sculptured berber. Will most likely post pics.

OP is a blast, I have a Trinity and absolutely love how this tool makes me money, I do not like taking it up stairs and will be purchasing a Profit OP after the planned redesign with bigger wheels for just that purpose.

  Facebook Advertising residential
Posted by: Anew Carpet Cleaning OKC - 04-05-2013, 10:28 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

I have just started looking into Facebook ads and have one currently running, and coincidentally Stanley Steemer starts running ads at the exact same time, (Somebodies been spying on my genius business plan, I thought I heard something.) All jokes aside has anyone had experience with facebook advertising, not social media, like having fans that where prior customers, but running ads directly on the right side of page. My ad currently has a large target audience, but hasn't been shown to many unique people? Anyone else exploring this option?

  Oreck on wheels
Posted by: Cairnswun - 04-05-2013, 05:54 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - No Replies

G'day, this may throw a couple of you for a loop.

IdeaI'm thinking about making up a frame with wheels similar to what the Cimex & HOS Orbot have, and adapting it to my Oreck XL.

Has anyone ever done something like this to an Oreck?

Does anyone think it's a good idea or doable?

Benefits (for this old fella), is making the Oreck easier to manage on the job.

Easier to move from van to job, around the job and back to the van.

It's not that the Oreck is heavy, it's just that I'm a lazy devil and always try to find an easier way to work.

TongueI really don't care what the naysayers will say, (but I like to have a good laugh, so please post), I'll probably still go ahead and do it just because I can see some merit in the idea.

Thanks for the MANY posts replying to this silly old fool.

  Hey Rick, solution tank fits great!
Posted by: MikeB - 04-04-2013, 02:00 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

Thanks to Rick and Tanoah at Excellent Supply for great service again!
My Frankenstein Challenger is coming along nicely. I'll let you know how it works soon.
P.S. Micro Beasts look like they will work great too.Smile

  what is Pad capping and OP
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 04-04-2013, 01:53 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

I have done neither of these can you explain what these are and the process

  New Account....Need Feedback from the Cimex Pros....
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 04-04-2013, 01:54 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

First, let me say thanks in advance for any and all feedback. Much appreciated, guys.

Two questions.

Question 1:

New jani account I landed is both cleaning plus carpets and tile work.

They're moving into some new offices. However, these new offices have some very old carpet.

I have an Orbot and I love it, but I don't know if it'll cut the mustard on this one. Could the Cimex pull it off?

[Image: 2013-03-27100303_zps4f5f111d.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-27100248_zps50ca2560.jpg]

Question 2:

Got a call from a restaurant that had carpet installed a couple of weeks ago. They are wanting to establish bi-weekly (!!) carpet cleaning. With such a high frequency of work is it possible to encap/padcap such a place?

I'm thinking yes.

By the way it's a BBQ restaurant and from my understanding it's not so much a grease issue as it is a spot issue (sauce).

Also, what machine would be best given the potential warranty dilemma?

[Image: 2013-04-03170030_zpsb577e05d.jpg]