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  Orbot and concrete polishing
Posted by: BGCD - 08-22-2013, 08:27 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Can the Orbot do this? And does anyone on here have any experience doing it? If so can you describe the steps, and the average price per sq?


  Soft brushes for the whittaker GLS
Posted by: Joe DeSouza - 08-22-2013, 08:03 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Looking for soft brushes used on oriental rugs for the GLS...can I get them here from Rick, or can someone recommend a place to get them? Whittaker seems to want too much $$!



  8 hours to dry!!
Posted by: Simon - 08-21-2013, 04:53 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

Gday all,
I did a 3 story town house last week, very little ventilation and I know from experience that these type of places can take a bit longer to dry. So I went straight for the Relesit. Wool loop pile carpet, came up nice, customer happy, got paid.
Got a call the next day with the customer telling me the stairs had taken about 8 hours to dry! and smelled like wet dog, Now Ill admit I was a bit heavier on the spray as the stair were pretty grotty and in hindsight I should have set up the extractor and done a few dry passes over them.
Would I have been better off to use less spray at a stronger dilution?
I didn't use Punch because I was unsure of its suitability on wool?
Also I currently use a car polisher fitted with a fibreplus pad, what are others using for agitation on stairs?

Cheers for your thoughts


Oh yeah just for the record, I went back ,The smell had dissipated and wasnt really noticeable so I gave it a vac and put a light mist of Dri-Eze Milgo on it. The customer has since reported that the smell is gone.

  Orbot ?
Posted by: BGCD - 08-21-2013, 12:44 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

On a scale of 1-10. How important is the weight kit for commercial and residential carpet cleaning? Also how many plates for each side for each type of carpet?

Pads- Is the Microbeast enough? Or do you need some SuperZorbs or Glads? How many use the red pads or fiberplus pads? I personally have never seen a red pad.


  Any news on Oreck Low Boy?
Posted by: tucker - 08-21-2013, 05:51 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

Interested in finding out how people are liking these. Haven't really heard any feedback. Any news anyone?

  Classic ??
Posted by: FloorCareMD - 08-19-2013, 03:10 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)


I know you like looking at old floor equipment. Check out what came into our shop recently...

American Speed Buff Mfg. (I never heard of them)
Model # "The Classic"
It starts!!


[Image: Photo0356_zps821a5aa7.jpg]

  Why is Encapping considered more suitable for Commercial?
Posted by: AusCapper - 08-19-2013, 07:10 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (13)

Would like to hear more on peoples views as to why Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning is more suited to Commercial work than Domestic.
Obviously reduced cleaning time in larger areas, and more accessibility are two of the more common advantages thrown up. And of course there are the many who swear by encapping domestic, and many who swear not to.

Is there clear cut answer to this?

  Random orbital for edges
Posted by: Hoss - 08-18-2013, 10:41 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)


I have the Orbot Sprayborg and Orbot Micro, and I want to get another smaller random orbital machine with one head to get into tighter spaces. I want to be able to use 6 inch pads, have a Velcro backing and be able to apply a range of force suitable for upholstery up to stone. I have a marble project coming up and I want to be able to cut in close to polish and achieve the same gloss that I will get from the Orbot.

I have been looking at Griot's Garage 10813STDCRD and PORTER-CABLE 7346SP. The Griot's seems a bit more ergonomic to me. Does anyone recommend these machines or others that may work better?

  Encap clean DS2 !!
Posted by: MikeB - 08-17-2013, 02:09 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (8)

Had a greasy kitchen carpet this morning. This was a commercial level loop carpet so I put DS2 in my solution tank at 6 oz per gal and gave it a try. I know Rick always says DS2 eats grease for breakfast but this is the first time I've put it to the test on a greasy one. Used a fiber pad, pulled the trigger and wow!! It amazed me how fast this stuff devoured grease on contact.
Wet pass, then 2 scrub passes and done!
Forgot to bring in my good camera so iPhone pics is all I have.

I followed up with a damp micro fiber pad to finish up and remove as much shampoo as possible since its a residential setting.

  Hello, new here.
Posted by: freemind - 08-17-2013, 12:59 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (21)

Ordered a jug of Rick's DfE cert. encap.

I am just getting into enap. Been using a porti for cleaning thus far. Want to move away from it, because a TM is too much money and I believe Encap is just right for almost all situations.

I have a few questions...

I know the DFE certified is "green". I am trying to push SAFER cleaning. How much safer are Rick's other encap formulas, then say the typical HWE chems?

You guys that padcap (I use a 175), do you run your MB's (or other pads for that matter) dry with moisture from encap juice, or do you wet all yours in a bucket (wringing them out)?

How long does the fragrance from these encaps typically last AFTER you have cleaned? I would rather have scent free products, but I realize Rick can't make products just for me. Again, I am pushing SAFE cleaning, and I and others associate "smells" with covering something bad, up.

How does encap work with either petroleum based greases or restaurant greases? Which products that works, should I use?

Currently in my encap arsenal, I have MB's, Fiber+ tans, Green encap, and a few white/green strip pads. What else should I get? (Have a vac too)

Those of you that don't have armloads of pads (like me), is it acceptable to rinse the pads out in a bucket of clean water if your pads get too dirty and you need a clean-er pad?

I know, a lot of newbie questions, and I apologize in advance. I did read through a few pages of old posts, so I did do some searching.

Rick, a thanks goes out to Rod. He took my order. He was very polite and helpful. If he is a reflection of your team, you have a good one! I did receive it on Friday like he said.