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The EncapBoard is Now Clo...
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12-24-2020, 04:48 PM
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cleaning glue down carpet
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11-16-2020, 03:12 PM
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7-Part Commercial Carpet ...
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10-07-2020, 04:25 PM
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Releasit & Fiber pads in ...
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09-22-2020, 04:26 PM
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08-30-2020, 09:56 PM
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Noisy Cimex
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07-27-2020, 06:01 PM
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07-13-2020, 05:14 PM
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Gecko 7-foot Extender Hos...
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03-21-2020, 06:25 AM
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Carpet Squares |
Posted by: drytouch - 08-12-2013, 01:59 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (3)
I'm going to pitch a retail chain that uses carpet squares.
The store manager tells me they send out squares ever so often to replace the worst, but I've not seen it in a year and, of course, all the squares are dirty.
Of the big black stains, one will often cover parts of 3 or 4 squares.
Bottom line, anyone experienced on bidding floors using squares? Any strategies to counter the 'we send out replacements' line? Any idea what a corporation may be paying to buy and ship replacement squares, vs. a 9 or 10 cent/sft bid?
I was thinking in my e-mail submission I'd send the corporate guy several pictures of his own local store, which is really bad, and say "I can fix this" and go from there.
All ideas welcome.
referrals and the gamble |
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 08-12-2013, 07:58 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (6)
Advertising is such a gamble and its very hard to figure out... i have been thinking of doing a referral program... send me a new client and i send you $20 ... now i know some of you will say $20 thats a lot... well i think for the program to work you have be aggressive.
so i have had 49 referrals in the past year if i was running the program that would be $980 so if it does not change much you are just losing money .. if it double its worth it...
98 jobs avg job $125 = $12250
98 x $20 = 1960
$10290 ...
Hydrox reveiw |
Posted by: MikeHabib - 08-11-2013, 08:18 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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I decided to clean our white bedroom carpet today. We have eight dogs ( I know sick crazy dog lovers ) I vacuumed with our Shark Vacuum cleaner , sprayed Hydrox and let it dwell for ten minutes, used my Oreck Orbitor and went to town it it. I must admit how impressed I was with the results, stains are still there ( Didn't use any kind of stain treatment ) but it looks great. My wife said that it looked better then when I clean with my VonSchrader LMX or my Rotovac 360I. Rick, I'll be placing a good size order soon. Still leaning towards a OP machine but have not decided which one yet. It's between the Orbot and the Trinity because I like that they both offer so many different kinds of applications. Any thought's , feel free to chime in.
Is Odorcide effective padcapping residential? |
Posted by: Anew Carpet Cleaning OKC - 08-10-2013, 01:01 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (2)
We padcap residential, is odorcide effective to just add in the detergent when doing a house, keep in mind I understand that the best way to get rid of the smell would be to make sure the backing to the top fiber gets the odorcide on it, maybe a pad change, but being that is not going to be an option with padcapping, with no tearing up of carpet, I wonder if people are getting good results getting smells gone just pad capping with odorcide, or also, can I just apply odorcide to carpet after cleaning with a sprayer and let it dry on it's own, or would I may be need to work it in with a carpet rake...we are pretty effective at letting people know the expectations of what can be accomplished padcapping residential with a urine problem and charge accordingly, when there is so many areas that this even becomes an issue most customers that still have the pets know they will continue to leave surprises, and don't want to pay restoration type prices, and all are happy to get the service, however if we can be more effective that simple, it would be nice, any experience with this guys???
carpet protector |
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 08-09-2013, 09:19 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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i want to know what your guys thoughts on carpet protector.
I clean residential with HWE and use a green product so although i want to sell protector i wonder if its counter productive to the green cleaning.
do you guys sell much and what about when you encap a commercial carpet and they say they want it to be scotchguared whats your statement back to them ?
Lets break down the numbers for the 2 or more van owners |
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 08-06-2013, 04:43 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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I am really just curious about the carpet cleaning side and not other services such as water damage, air duct cleaning
would you agree that you get to keep about half of what you make.. if you do 100k per van are you doing 50 k per van is it less or is it more ?
how many techs on the van ?
do you rent or own your shop?
are you paying your employees good ?
do you give them bonus ?
do you have work for them in January - March
Dwell - Yes or No? |
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 08-05-2013, 09:31 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (16)
I have a question for those of you doing residential and commercial with a shower feed or on board sprayer:
Are you skipping the pre spray time or do you still dwell?
Or does it depend?
Removing Drive Plate from an Orbot |
Posted by: Jamie - 08-02-2013, 06:55 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (13)
This may be a silly question but here goes.
How do you remove the drive plate off an Orbot? I am toying with the idea of retro-fitting a solution tank.
I may even look into adding some solution guides on the top of the drive plate to help guide the solution into any holes I drill through so that the solution does not flick out the sides.
Has anyone else looked into retro-fitting a tank?
But with that being said I first need to get the drive plate off. Anyone know how?
My OP is not an Orbot but it was made in the USA and it looks to me to have the same driver plate set up as the Orbot. Here's a pic. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Gents