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  Crazy spot troubles
Posted by: MikeB - 06-28-2013, 02:11 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (12)

I have a nursing home with a recurring spot that has been coming and going for 3 years or so. I have cleaned this place and since then, another company has cleaned it. Spot always comes back according to environmental services person. I have no idea what it is, but they really don't want to pull up the carpet cause it's possibly asbestos tile underneath. I tried the 50/50 ds 2 after cleaning last time, came back and vacc'd and it looked good for a while but still came back. I may have gotten it too wet during cleaning though.
I'd like to handle this thing for them, any ideas?
This is the place my wife works for so I'm able to monitor how it looks. I think if I can solve this issue I could retain this account but since it came back, they have gone back to the old company and then even tried doing it themselves with an extractor. I was the hero for a while, now back to a zero ! Sad
My wife says the last time they cleaned it, it smelled horrible for 3 days and same spot is coming back again.

  For Sale: Orbot 19" Pad Driver Assembly...Free Shipping
Posted by: Derek - 06-28-2013, 12:39 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - No Replies

thanks for allowing me to post this Rick!

$130 with Free Shipping to the lower 48

for sale here are 4 of the 19" Pad Drivers for your Orbot, along with the 10" Drive Plate that the Pad Drivers attach to...and the 4 screws to attach the Pad Drivers to the Drive Plate.

1 of these Pad Drivers I used once this past Friday for about 30 minutes. I prefer the smaller 15" Pad Drivers, so I am selling these. The other 3 Pad Drivers have never been used. 2 of them I just bought from Rick here a week or 2 ago. The other 2 came with my Orbot back in 2008. They've been stored in my van ever since.

Paypal only - $130 with Free Shipping...buyer pays all Paypal fees. That's a savings of around $90, not including any shipping fees.

pic's on my CL ad: http://rochester.craigslist.org/bfs/3895539336.html

I've got these listed on Craigslist as well, for $20 more.

Thanks for your interest. For questions or directions, please email, call or txt:

five eight five - 7 4 6 - five three zero seven.

  why the Kodiac cord vs regular cimex cord
Posted by: leofry@1966 - 06-28-2013, 11:04 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

i kinda like the small cord..i did pull the cord to tight and the ground prong broke off so i need a new cord, why should i buy the Kodiac cord vs just a new cimex cord... not sure i want the think cord ... so sell me on why i should by it vs the regular cord ?

Also how easy is it to replace... i know when i replace the one on the 175 its kinda of aggravating... your trying to hold everything in place while your screwing the panel back on...

  Polyester couch and returning stains...
Posted by: bonedrycarpet - 06-28-2013, 10:31 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

I cleaned a couch yesterday and it looked awesome when wet...

As it dried some spots came back... Not as bad, but the rings came back. I sprayed with Accomplish for Jon Don, scrubbed, pre-vacuumed, and dried it fast with air movers. I used my dri-master tool, 170 f water temp, and did multiple dry strokes to every wet-in an attempt to hasten dry times. I also went over it with Excellent supplies Encap-Hydrox and extracted that as well...

Any ideas?

  Very dirty micro fiber cleaned by punch....thanks Rodney
Posted by: Rob D - 06-27-2013, 11:05 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

I always use hydrox on furniture but I ran out a day before my shipment came. I called and Asked Rodney's advice on which product I should use that I had on hand. Punch was the choice. It was a forest green micro fiber that had a very dirty shine from soil, oil and dog. It was so bad the material was very stiff and felt like leather. I presprayed with punch let dwell 10+minutes and then hwe with just water. The results were awesome. I actually cut myself short and offered a discount because I was sure it wasn't going to look to great when done. And she was one of the great customers that said at least I know it was cleaned. After cleaning and a hour with the air movers I couldn't believe the 3 piece set looked like it was just delivered, no exaggeration. I could of charged whatever I wanted she was so happy.

  Low boy with wheel kit
Posted by: Rob D - 06-27-2013, 07:40 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

I used my new LOW BOY with the wheel kit today for the first time on a large job. I have to say this op machine is incredible. You can operate it with one hand and that's only because you need to keep the trigger pressed for the motor to run otherwise you could walk it with one finger. It is so smooth and at about half the noise level as other machines. Combine this machine with the micro beast and I will put it up against any of the over priced machines available. I have always preferred to prespray and let dwell so the fact that it doesn't have a sprayer does not affect me. I don't know how guys clean without dwell time anyways. I like the all aluminum housing, it will stand the test of time, never rust and always look good. Thanks Excellent Supply for taking the time to design the wheel kit. Big Grin

Wink Where the heck do I start?
Posted by: bonedrycarpet - 06-25-2013, 09:18 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

So I have an Oreck Orbital (3/4 hp) I want to use to do Encap. I got the red brushes with it, bought the Encap (Hydro Perox, Punch, and DS), and now I feel like an idiot because I do not know how to proceed... Is the red brush right for stairs and carpets (friend mentioned he only uses the red for everything)? What do I need to know to get started? I went to a trashed job today and decided not to try out encap on it...yes I chickened out and used the truck mount...

I tried DS2 from Jon Don with my Host machine and it was a terrible failure...

Any ideas or tips? Blush

  CRB - Which Size Is Right?
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 06-25-2013, 04:04 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

I'm going to get a BrushEncap. Very excited in fact.

However, I need to figure out what size would be best for me. I like the idea of covering lots of ground with the 20", but I also think that the 15" might serve a better role in residential settings.

One thing I like about the BrushEncap as opposed to a couple of others out there is that the machine has no hips and doesn't protrude. A couple of the other machines have fenders so big they remind me of my dad's old Cadillac.

I'm hoping this will allow me to use the bigger machine in various applications.

For the record, I do a mix of commercial and residential work.

  What is your favorite tagline....
Posted by: lee@deepclean.us.com - 06-25-2013, 03:31 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

Thought I would ask what your favorite tagline is for a carpet cleaning company. I found one that goes "Clean and dry before we say goodbye".Tongue

  Getting a semi-annual client to go for quarterly - BACKFIRES!
Posted by: Derek - 06-25-2013, 10:21 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (12)

well in trying to increase business i have been slowly working on some Clients to increase them from annual or semi annual to quarterly. so far no dice.

this morning i wake up to an email, "i talked with the boss and he thinks once a year is fine." - the problem is that they have always been twice per year! i call and point this out, he says, "well the boss said he thinks once a year will work so price it for that." ....


be careful what ya ask for lol Undecided

don't ya ever wish you could deal with the REAL decision maker instead of someone further down the pipe line?? that sure would be nice!

any one ever tried to go over the head of their contact and speak with the president / owner of the biz? is it worth it from your experience, or have you lost the account because it ticks off the contact?