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How to Choose the Correct Bonnet Size |
Posted by: encapman - 05-05-2016, 10:26 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (5)
Sometimes there's confusion about which bonnet size to choose. Here's a brief overview on bonnet sizing as it relates to rotary and orbital machines. Also a breakdown of pad driver sizing as it relates to the machine size.
Pad drivers generally run 2 inches smaller than the deck size of the machine. That means if you have a 17" machine, you'll actually have a 15" pad driver. If you have a 19" machine, you'll actually have a 17" pad driver.
With any machine, you'll ALWAYS want to have some overlap with the bonnets - beyond the edge of the pad driver. For example, if you have a 17" rotary machine, at the very minimum, you'd want to have a 17" bonnet. Keep in mind, the 17" machine actually has a 15" pad driver, so with a 17" bonnet you'd be adding an additional inch (1 inch) of bonnet around the perimeter of the driver.
Now let's bring this into perspective with an orbital machine. Orbital machines are highly jiggly as you know. So it becomes even more important to run the bonnets on the large-ish side. In the case of an orbital machine it's recommended to go 2 inches larger than the deck size of the machine. In other words, if the deck size is 19", then ideally you'd want to go with a 21" bonnet.
In the case of a 19" orbital machine you're actually running a 17" pad driver. Therefore you'd need a 19" bonnet at the very minimum to sufficiently cover the driver. Recall that a 19" bonnet will add an additional inch (1 inch) of bonnet around the perimeter of the pad driver. But an extra inch doesn't amount to very much wiggle room on an orbital machine. So with a 19" orbital machine, you'd really want to consider going with a 21" bonnet. And with a 17" orbital machine you'd likewise want to increase 2 inches and go with a 19" bonnet.
Bottom line rule of thumb: For a rotary machine, select a bonnet that equals the deck size of the machine (actually 2 inches larger than the pad driver dimension). For an orbital machine, select a bonnet that's 2 inches larger than the deck size of the machine (actually 4 inches larger than the pad driver dimension).
Selecting the correct bonnet size will improve the performance of the machine (especially in the case of orbital machines). And you'll enjoy working with the machine much more!
Releasit. What one for residential carpets |
Posted by: cookiemonster - 05-04-2016, 06:50 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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I am now thinking of trying releasit but notice there are a few different types. Can someone explain the difference between them and what ones are best for particular situations in residential situations.
I would ideally like an encap that breaks down dirt but also removes browning stains from carpet as this is common in many of the jobs I have. I would like one with an oxygenator as it helps make the carpet shine a bit more after cleaning.
Kind regards
Upgraded MicroBeast2 and MicroGlide2 bonnets |
Posted by: encapman - 05-02-2016, 01:41 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (3)
We've upgraded the MicroBeast and the MigroGlide bonnets. We worked directly with the manufacturer in China to come up with a new version of the MicroBeast and MicroGlide. These changes bring a few improvements to the original bonnet design.
The biggest improvement is increased bonnet rigidity. These new bonnets now have increased dimensional stability. That's helpful with orbital machines, because traditional bonnets can sometimes roll up or fold underneath an orbital machine, especially on dense or heavily padded carpet. As you'll see in the video below, we've found a way to improve this. The edge banding has been upgraded too. And the yarn is slightly longer for additional absorption. Another improvement is that the new MicroBeast2 bonnets are slightly more aggressive.
The video below shows the differences with the new MicroBeast2 bonnet. The new MicroGlide2 bonnets also share the same enhancements to the stability and edge banding. The MicroBeast2 is ideal for commercial carpet and for Berber, whereas the MicroGlide2 is ideal for more delicate cut pile carpet. And since we ordered these bonnets to be custom manufactured in such a large quantity, we're able to offer the new bonnets at a lower price than we could in the past.
While these changes aren't revolutionary (the original versions of these bonnets were excellent) we've found a way to make some small tweaks and squeeze a little more performance out of them. I think you'll like what we've come up with! The new MicroBeast2 and the new MicroGlide2 bonnets are available in 17" 19" and 21" sizes.
What bonnets for Encap on residential carpets. |
Posted by: cookiemonster - 05-02-2016, 11:44 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (7)
Hi Everyone.
Been in to HWE for a while now but just bought a 175rpm 17" rotary and starting to do encap cleaning in residential. Main reason is to stay more cost and time efficient as it is quicker than hwe. Really just looking for some info as to what the best bonnets for encap on residential carpets is. I have some turan bonnets with green strips that are not very aggressive and also some microfiber bonnets with green strips that are quite abrasive that I have not used yet. Have I got the right type of bonnets or is there another type I should be using for residential. Also is there a different bonnet that should be used on cut pile. The carpets I clean are a mixture of both cut and loop pile. Any advice on the best bonnets to use would be appreciated.
Kind regards
CRB Deal or no deal |
Posted by: joeyjcc - 04-28-2016, 04:59 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Somebody is offering to sell me a used Whitaker 20 inch CRB machine for $450. However, it's missing one brush and the metal piece to hold on the brush.
Any thoughts on whether this is a good deal?
Spray set up |
Posted by: Ades Gros - 04-28-2016, 08:53 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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After using the Vario a good bit, I find i sure wish it had a handle on the front of it any ideas.
Plus i'm looking for something to mount the spray jet lower and stronger then what it is now or maybe make it have 2 jets
Red Food Coloring |
Posted by: jsjanitorial - 04-25-2016, 11:20 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Kids used red gel food coloring on the carpet. Homeowner tried to clean it with dishsoap, then ammonia.
I went over today and first just rinsed with with my portable, then tried the Red 1 stuff with iron. Got no transfer at all to my towel. Any ideas?
Posted by: GroovyJon - 04-20-2016, 10:55 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Rick, is soileze okay to use for wool? I know a test should always be done regardless, but wondering if you have used this for wool?