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  Polishing with Cimex
Posted by: Nickms - 07-06-2014, 07:40 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (6)

I have a customer with a small area of polished flooring who wants it buffed. Can I do this with the Cimex?If so which pads or bonnet do I use?

Shocked How do I encap clean stairs?
Posted by: msc1917 - 07-05-2014, 09:19 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (13)

Alright, i have micro beast pads and microglides for carpet, now what type of machine and pads are best for stairs? Ive read on here that makita polishers work well, is this true? Also, if anyone can give me a process to start with for stairs with - what chem reconendations and procedures that work the best and what pads to use. This way i have a place to start. Thank you guys for all of your help!

  How many of you do vlm everything?
Posted by: msc1917 - 07-05-2014, 12:08 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (10)

I'm just curious how many of you use VLM for your residential market exclusively. Ive encapped commercial plenty of times but I see allot of you have some really awesome before after residential photos and a few of you - judging by your websites- seem to exclusively do vlm in residential. I have a butler TM and It works but I am not in love with the 13,000 a year gas bill.
So, can I (with a little practice) park my butler and replace my steam cleaning system with vlm?

  Cimex won't work in tight places
Posted by: Lounge Lizards - 07-04-2014, 08:51 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

How many times have I read about people saying this.

What do I say ??

[Image: 20140704_084728_zps0493db31.jpg]

Here's a job in a solicitors office this morning.

Getting along the side of the desk.

[Image: 20140705_092140_zpsfd11e3d2.jpg]

Into another office where there was not a lot of room between the desk & the rear wall.

The Mex; is hard up against the rear wall in this pic.

[Image: 20140705_092843_zpsfc9ad96a.jpg]

Having maneuvered around, I was then able to clean behind & under the desk.

[Image: 20140705_092638_zpsf070974e.jpg]

The Cimex is one really versatile machine, especially with the BIG WHEELS on it.


  Anybody padcapping with cimex?
Posted by: CleanItGreen - 07-04-2014, 12:23 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

Just curious if anyone is doing padcapping with their cimex. Thinking about doing some experimenting.

  Maybe Im doing something wrong...
Posted by: msc1917 - 07-03-2014, 10:54 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (16)

So I picked up an orbot with on board sprayborg for 1500, barley used. I've been messing around a bit in my home learning VLM with the basic encap and a few microbeast and standard microfiber pads purchased here at ES. I see that most of you post vacuum after your cleaning but I find that to be very Inconvenient in theory because I have to wait for the carpet to dry, right? My average job is 3 rooms - so id clean the carpet and wait an hour or more - this just seems like a major waste of time and semi awkward as Id just be hanging out with the client. What am i missing/ doing wrong etc.

  HWE with Punch
Posted by: Ed E - 07-01-2014, 10:25 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Rick posted an article some time back on Mikeysboard regarding the use of Punch with HWE. I squirreled it away for future reference, and finally today had the opportunity to try it out.

I hate using my porty, but the maintenance manager at the assisted living facility where we regularly work called me and wanted us to do an apartment which he described as the worst he had seen in 7 years. Now, working the college rental circuit, I have seen worse, but this was pretty bad. Based on his description, I loaded the porty this morning, and off we went. The carpet was literally black, mostly from the hard rubber rims on a wheel chair. We pre-sprayed Punch at 15oz/gallon, let it sit, then proceeded to rinse with hot water. We followed up with the Sprayborg and the MF beasts, again with Punch at 10 oz/gallon. Final absorption step with the gentle MF bonnets. Other than the crushed fiber, it really looked great. In fact, the maintenance manager told me to bump up the billing for this job.

If I could only have one cleaner in the Releasit line, it would be Punch hands down. It cleans like a champ, is very versatile, and now is a proven pre-spray for HWE.

  Vario and Tile And Grout
Posted by: Thomasgferguson@att.net - 07-01-2014, 03:46 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Hello, Im new to the forum and had a couple of questions regarding the Vario machine.
Can I use the Vario to clean T&G? If so what brush would your recommend? Is there a weight kit that can be applied to this machine?

  Lino strip and wax with cimex
Posted by: bmas - 06-30-2014, 06:49 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

I have a car dealership that wants me to clean up the area they use to take pictures of cars to put on internet. It's Lino and was just curious if this is something I could tackle with the new Cimex

  cimexed restaurant question
Posted by: mark63 - 06-27-2014, 05:10 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

I cimexed a restaurant last night. Got great results, cimex & DS2. it was very bad in some spots. is there a risk of the grease reforming or should I expect the encap to hold onto the grease till its vacuumed up? also I noticed in some bad spots that my encap was not foaming as i was working it but still seemed to clean? PS. on the walk way out of the kitchen, It was so thick with grease you could not see the carpet, I used grease subtractor (suitable for syn cpt) let it sit then went over it with my cimex "had to trough he pads out after it was so bad" and then flushed and sucked up with my portable. It came out fantastic.