These three kids were very proud of their trashed apartment carpet. Even for the college kid crowd, this was a doozy. Needless to say, I declined to provide any service to them. I just told them to get their wallets out for the carpet replacement.
Hi all - Can you give me some advice on how you clean tile and grout with the cimex - do you prespray and then run the cimes with the tile brushes and then use truck mount or portable or shop vac to suck up the dirty water? or do you feed the prespray through the brushes like carpet cleaning?
I'm sure this has already been addressed somewhere but I was not able to find it. What is the PH of Punch? I have been using it lately on residential carpets with HWE with great results. I use fresh water rinse. I want to be sure I am not leaving a high ph residue behind. It is my understanding that the encap part of the product would ensure that any residue would just get vacuumed away. Am I on track with this?
Also, I treated a heavily urine damaged carpet the other day with a very heavy coating of Hydrox followed by HWE and plenty dry passes. When I came back for a (planned) return visit I noticed the carpet was REALLY crunchy. I did not have a chance to run a vacuum on it because I ended up pulling the carpet back and doing some more focused odor treatments.
I guess my concern was how crunchy it was AFTER HWE. I didn't think there would be enough residue to have that effect. Is that normal??
I have a king cobra 1200 for sale. It has 25 foot hose with additional 50 feet. Has 500 psi steam and 1200 psi for tile. Excellent shape and need to sell ASAP. Asking $2500 obo
I have 19 inch velcro driver on the machine right now but what i dont love is the fact that the velcro driver extents past the bottom of the machine which is risky with resi. Id like to change it out for a 15. Know where i can get one? Not looking for a debate on driver sizes or techniques, just need to be pointed in the right direction. Thank you so much for your help guys.
We are doing a Ford Dealership this Saturday. They have carpet in the showroom, lots of tire marks on the carpet from where the care sat. Will DS2 or Punch work on these?
Anyone any experience removing this type of stain?