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  Learning to take advantage of the Spring
Posted by: Anew Carpet Cleaning OKC - 02-15-2014, 12:21 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - No Replies

I have had a pretty rough winter due to a lack of preparation, still new, but could have prepared better, I was listening to Jim Rohn yesterday, and the excerpt about Spring relates a lot to our industry, if you would like to hear it, it starts at 24:00 if you would like to hear it.


I have usually coasted through Spring the last 3+ years. Just kind of taking the many calls that come in Spring, and not working on our sales and marketing, or my system and all the rest. As a result my business hasn't grown as it could have. I think I'll take advantage of this one. Hope everyone is thawed out and the calls firing up for you all.

  Heading out to MikeFest
Posted by: encapman - 02-15-2014, 07:58 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (6)

I'll be heading out to Mikefest early tomorrow morning.


Nancy and I will be enjoying the beauty of California and the fun at Mikefest!

Of course, our regular team of Encap Professionals will be holding down the fort at Excellent Supply while we're gone, and I'll still be answering emails too if you need me. Plus I'll probably toss up a couple of photos on the EncapBoard.

If any of you can make it out to Santa Cruz for Mikefest - I'd love to meet up with you. It always turns out to be an excellent carpet cleaning fest!

  Pad Selection
Posted by: richgallina - 02-12-2014, 09:23 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

I copied and pasted this post from another BB. I need to put an order in tomorrow. I have to add that a majority of my work is residential. I'm running it on an easy glide and possibly on my old blue. Thanks for the wealth of information on this board. Smile

I have Glads, cotton, bonnets, and even FiberPlus pads but never have used Microfiber pads. There are a couple different kinds. Ones that Rick sells (blue pad $36.40 and the MicroBeast $16.70) Big price difference though???????? BP sells Blue Micro-Fiber 17" - $157.00/Case of 6 ($26 each). Like to know differences and how you like em'


  Untwisting Pile - Residential
Posted by: lowxposure - 02-11-2014, 12:49 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (14)

So I've posted a few times here and I'd like to first thank everyone for their awesome support, there's a lot to follow so please hang on.

I have a concern. A buddy of mine brought me some brand new carpet displays from the local hardware store. Each rug is just big enough for me to run my Orbiter and test a few different spots. Primarily I wanted to find my failure point... how long I could run the machine without damaging the carpet. The answer, not long. After five seconds of running the machine I noticed that the pile had started to untwist in a few places (Shaw polyester cut pile). I ran the machine again for 10, 15, and 20 seconds. After 20 seconds the fibers had untwisted quite a bit.

I'm running the cotton bonnet that is provided with the Orbiter and it's pretty heavily textured. I lubricated the bonnet with DS2 and I pre-sprayed the carpet.

So, what could I be doing wrong? Is it not possible to clean this carpet with an OP machine without damaging it? Nevermind the entire debate surrounding HWE vs. VLM on residential. I frequently hear folks on other boards say that VLM is just another tool in the tool box and that "a construction worker wouldn't build a house with just a hammer", but the fact is... I have a Lowboy and an Orbiter with a TM and porty well out of reach. Can I make it work or do I need to drop residential and focus solely on commercial? (Commercial market isn't that large here thus my focus on residential)

My name is Jeff by the way, and any advice is greatly appreciated. Surely some of you have done VLM on residential carpets without destroying your customers carpet!

  2014 dodge cv tradesman
Posted by: P Cleaner - 02-08-2014, 05:50 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (25)

Will be picking up Mon .. This will be our lowmoisture and rug pick up and delivery truck. Will be getting lettered very soon.
Now the 2 trucks with truckmounts can stay in the shop except for a water damage call.
Winter carpet cleaning we now use low moisture extraction and hopefully summer months. Pcleaner

  I need to know
Posted by: Russian17 - 02-07-2014, 11:00 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Does anybody know how wood varnish stains out of carpets

  Sale in ths month's issue of Cleanfax
Posted by: encapman - 02-07-2014, 02:23 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - No Replies

This month we ran a special offer in Cleanfax magazine:

In case you didn't see the ad in this month's issue - here's the deal...

[Image: feb14-sale.png]

Posted by: richgallina - 02-05-2014, 06:47 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

I've never used microfiber pads under my OP machine so I have some questions about the MicroBeast pads.

If I had a heavily soiled home or office, how many square feet would I expect to get per pad. I'm just saying heavily soiled for worst case scenario!

How many would you have on hand?

My OP is a 15". Would you recommend getting the 17" pads?

What's the difference between these and the Tuway MicroFiber Bonnets

My last question is about the SuperZorb pads. Are these like the Glads or are they just the typical cotton pad. I'm guessing I cant buy the Glads anymore so I'm looking for an alternative!


  let's share some ideas
Posted by: normantos21 - 02-05-2014, 03:41 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

Got my first job..and i used a simple carpet sweeper and vacuum to clean the carpet and it has took 40 min clean the normal size carpet..what do you all say about that.. what is the normal time needed to clean a average room..just share some tips or ideas.


Posted by: drytouch - 02-04-2014, 10:51 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (9)

I don't mean spots either, but room length over sprays coming out 2-3inches from the baseboards.

This is apartment work so of course they expect miracles, but there's no initial budget from the mass application of a PIG type chem--and put on in such amounts, I'd worry about delamination anyway.

It's not cured out yet, only 2days old, but it is dark color. I'm thinking just attack with grey fiber plus followed by textile pads on the hand buffer, set at high rpms and fiber damage be hanged.

Would Punch be the best bet to loosen it up a bit?

Interesting experiment--some of you may know I tout vapor steamers quite a bit--I'm going to see if it's useful.

Advice please!