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  The Lowboy is gone
Posted by: encapman - 01-28-2014, 08:08 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (17)

The Oreck Lowboy is no more!


In case you haven't heard, Oreck went through bankruptcy. Read about it HERE
Therefore the old Lowboy's future under the Oreck label was highly questionable. What were we to do??? Simple. Step up to the plate and enter an arrangement with the folks who were building the machines for Oreck (you see Oreck never actually built this machine, it was built for them). And now they're being built for us. Smile

We're happy to introduce you to the VARIO!

[Image: Vario-logo.jpg]

Read about the VARIO here...

[Image: vario-top-close.jpg]

Here's what the VARIO looks like with the Swingarm assembly and the Spray & Shower-feed system we designed.
[Image: vario_side.jpg]

  Introducing the VARIO Orbital Scrubber
Posted by: encapman - 01-28-2014, 07:56 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (49)

Introducing the VARIO Orbital Scrubber:

[Image: Vario-logo.jpg]

We've spent several months working on developing an orbital machine package that would answer a few key needs in our industry. I think our new VARIO machine has turned out to be a really interesting machine that should compete well with other OP machines on the market. It is super smooth, it's solidly built, it has a bulletproof motor, it's reasonably priced, it scrubs efficiently, and it looks great too. Compare a couple of differences that set it apart...

Comparison 1: We think the VARIO is the perfect response to the high-priced OP machines on the market today. The VARIO is a well-built orbital machine that runs about half the price of other wheels on the ground OP machines out there. It makes sense from a financial perspective! Yet price alone is not its only selling point, consider the next couple of comparisons.

Comparison 2: Some of the OP machines on the market today are about as smooth as a jackhammer. Well we're not in agreement with that design concept. Why rattle your brains out to clean a carpet? By comparison, the VARIO is smooth, incredibly smooth! With its pivoting swingarm and large wheels on the ground the VARIO effortlessly tracks in a straight line. Vibration is kept to a minimum. At the same time it scrubs impressively too.

Comparison 3: Some popular OP machines start off new with an attractive coat of paint. The only problem is... after a short time the powder-coated paint begins to flake off their corroding steel chassis. By comparison, the VARIO has a highly-polished solid cast aluminum deck and steel handle. The switch box is also molded aluminum. This makes it possible to enjoy a beautiful looking machine for many years.

Innovation: Our team at Excellent Supply has developed a unique pivoting swingarm assembly for the VARIO. After months of research and extensive trial and error we came up with something that just plains works. The machine handles like a dream. We also developed a spray and shower-feed system that allows the VARIO to spray or shower-feed from practically any battery powered sprayer. We're really proud of our baby. Smile

Here's a PDF Flyer showing the VARIO: Click Here to Download

And here's the page for the VARIO machine on our store: http://www.excellent-supply.com/VARIO-Or...p_563.html


  Area Rugs
Posted by: Kenny - 01-27-2014, 09:32 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

Question---What is best method and steps to clean area rugs?

  liability insurance...
Posted by: TroyD - 01-26-2014, 01:49 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

I know liability insurance varies greatly depending on where you are located, experience, employees etc etc. Im just curious what some of you are laying out to have liability. Also, is $1mm coverage adequate in most cases?

Im going after commercial accounts and I will need to have liability. I don't have any employees so if Im not mistaken, as an owner operated business that eliminated the need to be bonded no? Im going to try and get some quotes this coming week as I may have a local bank that it interested in having me clean their carpets.

Thanks for any input.


Posted by: DON ELDRED - 01-25-2014, 09:43 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (10)

This is sure an old time winter up here
Extreme cold most days followed by a little relief
unfortunately when it does get back near normal we get
dumped on with snow
Yesterday was minus 37c with the wind chill factor lots of fun running hoses from the

  Vapor (steam) machine
Posted by: jtmellon - 01-24-2014, 08:23 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

Is buying a 1000 steam machine from Daimer worth the investment. I do mostly janitorial work and the other day I had a call for a residential T&G job on a kitchen. This machine would have worked perfect.

So is it a good tool to have?

  Penguin Sprayer takes a bullet
Posted by: Anew Carpet Cleaning OKC - 01-24-2014, 12:42 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (11)

I left a penguin sprayer near a small heater and it now has a triple size half dollar size hole melted about 2 gallons up, any ideas on how to plug it???....thanks.

the hole is on the side wall, I am currently trying to plug it with a cut out of a plastic encap gallon, but it is a rough fit, any help would be appreciated.

Posted by: Kenny - 01-23-2014, 12:53 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

What is best tool to use when cleaning steps or stairs?

  Pad usage
Posted by: davegill - 01-22-2014, 07:27 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (12)

I am probably wasting the crap out of cimex pads because I change them for every job just about no matter how small..

I just did a dentist office that was about 200 sqft..pads look food..should I be reusing them till they are flat or changing them out?

  New to Commercial Carpet Cleaning
Posted by: Kenny - 01-22-2014, 05:59 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

I'm new to cleaning commerical carpet....just orderred some chemicals from excellent supply also. My question is do anyone have commerical cleaning brochures or commerical cleaning maintenance brochures that i can use to get an idea. Would like to get something printed and solicit to commerical buildings. Any help from would be greatly appreciated. Kenny