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17" floor machine and encap |
Posted by: TigerJ - 10-28-2013, 02:11 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (8)
I have been doing VLM residential cleaning for a couple of years now, but just starting doing some commercial (CGD). My first few jobs I tried to use my carpet brush and my white microfiber bonnets...my brush and bonnets get trashed with oils, etc. I really need to get away from using my residential floor machine carpet brush on dirty commercial jobs.
I just ordered some Releasit DS2 along with some tan and also grey Fiberplus pads. I also have some of the blue microfiber pads with grey scrubbing lines which seem to run pretty smooth on CGD.
am I on the right track, in the interim, until I'm ready to move forward with an OP machine?
(leaning towards the Trinity CM)
thank you for your feedback
CRB brush repair |
Posted by: MikeB - 10-27-2013, 01:12 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (4)
We all know NOT to leave a CRB standing upright because the brushes can get flat spots right?
Of course we do.....well about 3 weeks ago I left mine in my shop, yes standing on its brushes. Why? In a hurry....starting a new day job. "I'll come back in a minute and put it on the caddy" I thought to myself.
Well today was the day I remembered what I did and for those of you who might be wondering how to fix flat brushes, here's a tip.
HOT water In my utility tub ( or bucket) and resting them in there for about 5 minutes....reinstalled brushes in opposite positions (front to back) ran machine for a few minutes ...hopped a bit for a minute or two. Then walaaaa!
Running smooth again.
Lesson learned!
Sent from my iPhone
Spray Borg users |
Posted by: FloorCareMD - 10-26-2013, 03:43 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Tired of playing "Spin the Bottle" with your SprayBorg solution bottles when removing them?
I only had my machine one week and it drove me crazy! So...
I made a lid that allows the hose-lines to remain still while you remove the lid. Works awesome..
More later..
DS or Punch Dried on |
Posted by: rlord - 10-26-2013, 06:56 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Well you'd think by now I've seen it all but I did some UPH on chairs where the back was cloth and the seats were vinyl. When we used the buffer some of the DS or Punch went down on the vinyl and we didn't notice the sides. Well it dried and now it won't come off. I've tried re-wetting it and magic eraser no luck. Easy to get off while it's wet but a bear when it's dry!
Anybody got a trick to getting dried encap off?
CRB as a stand alone? |
Posted by: Lefty724 - 10-25-2013, 04:08 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
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Rick, or any other guys that have used a CRB as a stand alone method.
Which Releasit product would you use and why?
Been toying with using the CRB as a stand alone (in the right situation) and would like to hear your guys opinions.
New to the Board |
Posted by: TYMAR - 10-24-2013, 02:41 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (6)
Hello All
Been lurking for a while but first time posting. Somewhat new to carpet cleaning and the encamp/padcap process, but have a few jobs here and there. I previously used carpet cleaning as more of a side job, but now am wanting to move more full-time with it, both commercial and residential.
I currently have a dual-speed 17-inch buffer with a tank, a BrushPro 17 and an Oreck Orbiter. I also purchased the CMS but have yet to have the chance to utilize it. I will be starting to create my website this week (wordpress) and learn as I go on that. I also got one sample each of Hydrox, Punch and DS2. I'm looking to get get feedback, advice, tips & tricks, suggestions, shortcuts, etc. on about anything you guys are willing to offer.
One question I have is about process and suggestions for the equipment I have. A process that I've read on here is as follows:
1. Vacuum 2. Prespray 3. Let dwell for 10-15 4. Work in with CRB 5. Padcap
Someone else had a similar process, but slightly different:
1. Vacuum 2. Prespray 3. Work in with CRB 4. Let dwell for 10-15 5. Padcap
Does it make a difference if I work the pre spray in right away with a CRB, or let dwell prior to working with a CRB?
Also, I have to residential jobs coming up next week and would invite any info/suggestions regarding products, process, etc.
Job 1
Room in basement: Tan with green specs Twist/Frieze type carpet. An area about 4x4 has dark stains/discoloration. This is where they come in from the garage and take off snow boots, etc. after walking across 4 feet of tile.
Living Room and Toy Room: Light Tan cut pile. Dirty but not ridiculous. Some spots from juice, etc. and a bit coffee spill from about 2 weeks ago.
Family Room/Steps/Hall: Dark Hunter Green cut pile. No visible stains or damage.
Job 2
All Light Tan bordering on white cut pile. Not bad at all. Some traffic lanes and that's about it.
Any information, suggestions, products to use, process, etc. considering the equipment I have would be great! Depending on what feedback I get, I may be ordering some products by tomorrow. Sorry this first post is so long.
Thanks guys, and I look forward to being a contributor on this board and also getting some great advice.
Orbot/Sprayborg questions |
Posted by: FloorCareMD - 10-22-2013, 12:34 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION
- Replies (16)
Recently bought an Orbot/SprayBorg. Have a few questions that I thought some of you with experience with them could answer.
1. Is the left handle supposed to feel warm after operating the machine awhile?
2. OK. don't laugh.... I have always encapped with a cimex and pads. Never used microfibers or bonnets. How do you maintain/clean these? I mean without having the wife clean them in the washing-machine with my tidy whities. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo4oEdtDRPo