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  About the Duplex 420: a review
Posted by: Act One Cleaning - 01-29-2015, 03:05 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

Folks, I've been using a porty for HWE for a few years and have done pretty well.  Encapping was not very effective for me until I stumbled over this forum and read several hundred posts.  In the process, you guys convinced me that encapping works if done right.  So, using my 175, I tried again on a few jobs and it worked very well.

As you know good equipment makes all the difference.  So I began thinking about what to get on my limited budget.  The counter-rotating brush (CRB) looked like a logical choice, as it could be used to encap and pre-scrub for the porty when needed.  But which machine?

I wanted the BrushEncap machine, but just didn't have the shekels.  However, on Craigslist I found a Duplex 420 like ES sells, for about $600.  Figuring it was too good to pass up, I got it.  Now, the Duplex has the ability to recover liquid and damp debris, which struck me as an advantage.  It does not recover dry debris, which would make it tough to comb pet hair out of a carpet before cleaning.  In addition, it is a hefty beast and not easily carried.  Finally, it has two plastic tanks and a plastic lid, all of which need to be babied to prevent breaking. Give some, get some, right?

So today I tried it out.  Vacuumed thoroughly, presprayed, then went to work.  The Duplex erased all the stains and spots effortlessly.  I got a good 1100 ft/hr working around exercise equipment and in offices.  It goes slap up against edges and under desks with ease.  What I REALLY liked was being able to tackle several traffic areas so worn they looked like solid asphalt.  Using the little solution tanks, I turned on the recovery belts and repeatedly wet and recovered from the traffic areas until I had scrubbed them clean.  Now, I believe the dry brush machines can scrub just as well.  But this machine used its' weight and brushes to bully that clotted gunk right out, then physically recovered the gunk from the carpet.  No extraction needed and best of all, those traffic spots were nearly dry just as fast as the rest of the carpet!

If you are considering a CRB machine, this is a great choice.  So far I have used it to strip VCT tile, scrub wood floors and now, encap a CGD carpet.  Top marks on all jobs!  It is expensive, but I now think it will be the platform on which we build our commercial carpet business.  I am glad Excellent Supply sells them and if you are on the fence about the extra cost, just know that it has convinced this old sceptic that yes, one machine really can do many things.  It would be an excellent choice to buy.  Ask away, I'll try my best to answer.  

  Well, here we go...
Posted by: Act One Cleaning - 01-28-2015, 02:19 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

Today I demo'd a nursing home. Owner gave me the account and insisted on paying for the demo, finished by asking me to clean another room (for pay). Tomorrow, our first big encap down in Birmingham AL, so here we go. Then another chain in Florence AL asked for a demo bid, so throwing a wide net works. Meantime, The residential calls keep coming. Time to hire another elf!

  Super Zorbs Care
Posted by: TYMAR - 01-27-2015, 01:07 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

What is the best way to take care of Super Zorbs so they last longer and stay white and "clean" looking?

Hot or cold water?
Regular laundry detergent?
Dryer or air dry?

  For our janitorial people: What would you bid?
Posted by: cleancorp - 01-26-2015, 10:15 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

11,000 square foot daycare facility. 5 nights per week. 10 toilets. Large Kitchen area and a few small kitchenettes. Mixture of VCT and carpet. (more VCT than carpet). They want carpets cleaned quarterly. Will probably strip and wax yearly and scrub and recoat in 6 months. We have to provide small rolls of toilet paper, large rolls, c fold towels, soap, trash liners and cleaning products. What would be your price without the supplies? I would simply bill cost of supplies plus 20% I think.

  Appreciation to Rod at ES
Posted by: Act One Cleaning - 01-23-2015, 08:19 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

Thanks Rod, for taking the time to consult on which machine to use.

Lightbulb Marketing Encap
Posted by: CarpetNEWBIE - 01-22-2015, 01:11 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Hello All,

Just looking for some ideas for marketing encap.

How do you explain it to customers?

What would be the benefits of VLM?

  I was impressed
Posted by: Act One Cleaning - 01-21-2015, 11:03 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

Did a whole-house cleaning yesterday and today.  Tried encapping the carpet (very dirty) with a competitors brand and it looked great.  On return this morning, several spots, a bad traffic area and edge filtration had come back.

Well, I dug in my box o samples and pulled the Encap-Hydrox.  Mixed as prescribed and sprayed lightly where needed.  Brushed in with a soft bristle brush.  Soil disappeared, edge filtration gone, bleedback gone, piss stain gone and even Alabama red clay, gone.

Mind you, the encap product made a great improvement, but those blemishes ticked me off.  The Encap-Hydrox saved me from just doing a HWE after all (just because I'm fussy).  The customer was emotional.  

Guess I'll have to get some more...

PS: Customer wants me back in six months.

  Special on Encap-HydrOx
Posted by: encapman - 01-21-2015, 07:35 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - No Replies

We are having our monthly special on Encap-HydrOx right now.  (1/20 - 1/22)

If you need some, you may want to take advantage of the special  Shy

[Image: Special-Offer-Hydrox.jpg]

  Vario or Cimex
Posted by: Jose - 01-18-2015, 03:05 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (13)

Hey Guys,

I have been debating on which machine to purchase. I want to start going after small(5k sq ft or less) commercial accounts soon (churches, doctor/dentist offices, etc). I like that the Vario could encap/padcap vs Cimex just encapping. But they say the Cimex is king of commercial averaging 2000 to 3000 sq ft an hour. Anyone know what the average sq ft the Vario could clean per hour? For those who have a Vario, How are you guys liking it? I am needing to purchase soon.



  8" Tuways for cimex???
Posted by: joelhall2014 - 01-18-2015, 12:08 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (6)

I see you have the thin ones in 8". Has anyone tried the green stripe or bbc ( I know Derek used the bbc). How is the chem distribution through these pads?? I know people say their small to used for absorption.... However if you put the 8" pads on a rotary pad driver you will see you really aren't missing that much space since the actual cleaning area is only where the red bristles are.  I would like to have these pad options but I can't find anywhere to buy them??? Tuway does not sale directly.... Rick as a Tuway distributor can you get them or do you have to order a minimum amount yourself in order to get them???