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  Cimex Belt question
Posted by: Derek - 09-16-2014, 01:24 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (29)

i replaced mine about 6 months ago. within a few months i went to lift the wheels off the ground to work on a tough spot and the heads stopped spinning. it has gotten progressively worse. i am about to order another belt and hope that it "fixes" this issue, my question is:

if i put another new belt on and it does the same thing, what else could be the problem?

PS: i DO lift the head slightly before every start....(but i do NOT lift before i turn off, does that matter?)

thanks in advance! Big Grin

  Tight stairs
Posted by: Lounge Lizards - 09-14-2014, 12:51 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

Many say that the Cimex is too big and awkward.

I say you need to get a set of Big Wheels and persevere.

This is the tightest and most acute set of stairs I have ever encountered.

Looking down from the top, the brown timber is the top of the wall dividing the stairs.

[Image: 20140910_141006_zps05b79596.jpg]

Going down to the return.

[Image: 20140910_141019_zps8d0d26ac.jpg]

From the return to ground level.

[Image: 20140910_141039_zps5c926998.jpg]

To make things more difficult, this stairwell was narrower than most, and the angle of the tiled steps at the return left little room for error.

In fact, with one step, I had to hold the right side wheel in the air, over the edge and swing Big Yella to get it to go down onto the next step without touching the wall.

Oh yeah, a word of caution, when coming down tiled stairs, your shoes may be damp and can be very slippery. Wink

Practice, I believe, makes one near perfect. Big Grin


  Sealed concrete cleaning?
Posted by: CleanItGreen - 09-11-2014, 12:24 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

In what could be another opportunity to expand my offerings I've been asked to bid on a job cleaning sealed concrete floors at a self storage place. Need to know if any of you guys do it and if it's something I can do with my cimex and the right solutions or if I need to pass on it. The floor is open!

  NEW EncapBoard Feature - Equipment For Sale
Posted by: encapman - 09-11-2014, 07:31 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

We've added a new category to the EncapBoard. We now have a category heading for selling used equipment. This section is intended to help sellers and buyers move used equipment (primarily VLM items). Feel free to list items that you want to sell or trade. We hope this new feature makes it easier to offer items and to locate items being sold by our forum members. Enjoy! http://forum.excellent-supply.com/forum-7.html

  shipping a cimex?
Posted by: cleantechsk - 09-09-2014, 04:20 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (1)

Hey guys

I have to pallet ship a cimex to a friend and just wondering if anyone has disassembled any parts on it before or just wrapped it as is?

  laundry detergent in berber cpt?
Posted by: mark63 - 09-09-2014, 08:13 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

I have a customer that spilled about 1/2 gl of laundry detergent on her berber cpt. I extracted with my portable and then encapped it. the spot came back. I told her I would try replacing the pad and flushing the carpet again but am still wondering if that will do it? anyone have any experiance with this type of situation?

  Boom, im a daddy...AGAIN!
Posted by: msc1917 - 09-08-2014, 08:00 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (8)

Had to share guys, im so excited! My third kids and first daughter was born today at 4:16 PM, how cool is that! Ive been wanting a baby girl since I got married 10 years ago. The only thing that could make this day any better would be winning the august photo contest here on this board... wink wink! Heres a pic.[Image: 2bffabe454b15c37608d6bd53fb8eaf3.jpg]

  The VARIO gets an update
Posted by: encapman - 09-08-2014, 04:18 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (4)

The VARIO machine has just received another nice addition!

As you probably already know, the VARIO represents the BEST value in the industry for an incredibly SMOOTH oscillating pad machine! We worked hard to get the Swingarm and wheel assembly to create a perfect balance so that the VARIO would handle smoothly and scrub well too.

But we've been itching to pull just a little extra scrubbing punch out of this machine. Early on we tested the VARIO with additional weights and it threw everything out of whack. The machine no longer handled dreamily - that's right DREAMILY Smile

Well we kept playing with the idea and I'm very happy to announce - we've found a good working solution. Drum roll please... Introducing the DECK WEIGHTS (shown below).

The DECK WEIGHTS adds 10 pounds of weight at exactly the right point to increase the machine's torque on the carpet. Adding extra pressure squarely to the nose of the machine brings the VARIO to a whole new level of scrubbing performance!

Best of all, we have this dialed in so that the weight won't mess up the smooth performance of the machine. The balance of the machine is still spot on. The only thing you notice with the DECK WEIGHT added is that it scrubs carpet with added authority. Plus the DECK WEIGHT set looks nice on the machine.

[Image: Deck-Weight.jpg]

The price for the DECK WEIGHT set is $129. The weights attach to the deck of the machine with strong velcro. In fact the DECK WEIGHT set could be added to just about any rotary floor machine very simply.

We can also provide a 20 pound weight set for those who want to really load up their machine. The 20 pound weight set will sell for $249. The 20 pound setup includes (4) 5 pound weights. However the 10 pound weight is really all you need for carpet cleaning.

Here's a link to the VARIO page...

  Cimex trouble
Posted by: Fred H - 09-07-2014, 07:22 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

R48 purchased just over 3 years ago. has motor with yellow pastic shroud not the black motor.
Was running fine yesterday when it started making a growling sort of noise and tripped breakers. the motor would run but make that sound and after 20 secnds or so the breaker would trip.Angry
so i had to pack up my 3 year old machine and go get my 1986 dart 175 to finish the job.

what could the trouble be with the Cimex?Huh

  Help! Who cleans leather???
Posted by: CleanItGreen - 09-06-2014, 08:26 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (3)

OK, so its not that big of an emergency but I got your attention!

Got a call from a person needing 3 pieces of leather furniture cleaned. I haven't done any leather, just fabric upholstery, and offered to either find someone who cleaned leather or to do it myself at a small discount but he agreed to let me "research" for him. I'd like to get the business and it can't be that hard to do compared to what we do all the time. My question is what do you leather cleaners use? What's best products and what's best process? Towels? Brushes?