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  Steamin' Demon - Who Here Uses One?
Posted by: TheCleaningDude - 02-25-2013, 03:21 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (8)

I hear mixed reviews on it, but to me it seems like a nice compliment to a VLM operation.

Anyone here have one in use right now?

How is it in resi?

How about commercial?

What are the realistic dry times and is set up a hassle?

Is hot water a necessity?

  Oh boy- what have I done!!! Trinity content.
Posted by: SLOTOOLS - 02-23-2013, 12:50 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (27)

After receiving my Cimex from Excellent supply, I am hooked on VLM cleaning. I tried to buy a Orbot from them as well, I regret that excellent could not sell to me in California, so I pouted and as a rebound purchased a Trinity CM which will arrive next week.

I wish to make it known that Excellent is a class act and regret that I could not buy a unit direct from them, and not because this is their board, it is because I am loyal to any company when I receive the level of service and courtesy they provide.

I scoured through every board, and blog to glean pertinent info as I wanted to make a educated decision.

Random thoughts- People can be obsessed regarding their Machines and belong to "equipment cults" where brothers help brothers of the same equipment persuasion will come to the aid in the event of a bulletin board attack.

The Orbot gets some flack now and then but performance is greatly improved for residential with the aid of weight kit added. Some will make homemade weights cheaper and easy to apply with the magic of velcro.

I for one, like the way the Orbot looks, and when you reverse the handle when pad cleaning, it looks cool, custys would be impressed.

Orbot is lighter than Trinity Cm approx. 85 lbs to trinity 122 lb ??

Orbot would be I would estimate, to be easier to operate in a residential setting.

I have never used an OP

Cimex is so much easier than hooking up my big noisy TM and dragging hoses so I am pretty sold on OP as a valid cleaning method. (have I mentioned that I love my Cimex today?)

Is everybody making encap juice now!? wow the choices are daunting, but I am happy with
DS2, Punch and especially Hydrox.

Trinity may have the biggest oscillating agitation in the industry but has been reported to notoriously wear out pads quicker, and I have read that Orbot can be better at cleaning stains and spots in the course of a cleaning job due to smaller oscillating performance.
I do not like to buy into hype as all units can make money, I do believe I would be happy with the Orbot with weights as I bought a unit primarily for residential as I purchased the Cimex for comm work.
Some say the Trinity has been perfected, others would disagree and cite irreconcilable differences with the unit. I purchased unit on the basis of the pros and not the cons.

Frankly, I am not enamored with the look of the Trinity, May look better in person as I have never seen one up close. I will post my thoughts upon arrival.

It is all about making work easier and to be profitable.

  Have you booked some good jobs next week??
Posted by: SLOTOOLS - 02-23-2013, 11:51 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (2)

In 30 years in the carpet trade, I have at times wondered how I was going to be able to complete the work I had booked, somehow I always manage to get things done. Always have enough work magically come in without much effort on my part as I am referral based.
Since I received my Cimex from Rick, I have gotten back into contract commercial work.

Since it is Saturday, it is sometimes just another work day, or maintenance day. What is your work week like? comm/res cleaning jobs large or small, starting new contract work, tile and grout, repairs, jobs you are not looking forward to, bids to be submitted, just pain weird upcoming work, even equipment purchase this week-

  I know Everyone has an opinion on fav encap pads- and how you use them
Posted by: SLOTOOLS - 02-21-2013, 08:16 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

I know there is so much info- What's your favorite 17-21"
pads for encapping on Orbot/trinity and do you mix them up on a job.

Love my Cimex, But I got a OP coming and want to enlist the "brain trust" of
the good lookin,' hard working Encap board guys.

  Releasit Punch KICKS BUTT
Posted by: Jamie - 02-17-2013, 02:15 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (7)

I had to also post this in the main forum because I think this is a true example of Ricks Products doing unbelievable things.

The carpet is pure grease and if you touched it your finger stuck to it. It was putrid to say the least. I first attempted HWE with some pretty intensive grease cutting pre sprays with solvents added in that I bought specifically for this job, but it did not cut through it at all. And yes I agitated with the Cimex before extraction. I tried 3 variations of different pre sprays designed to deal with it. Far from happy I put Releasit Punch in the Cimex and went to a different section and this video is the result. The difference almost made me fall over from shock (Rick's probably saying "yee of little faith" Big Grin )

The carpet in this video has not been treated with anything prior & yes after this I HWE purely because of the soil load.

Rick you are the King of Encap Chemicals.

  hey Rod (update on my Cimex head not spinning)
Posted by: Derek - 02-16-2013, 02:24 AM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (8)

the Cimex head would stop spinning with the slightest bit of pressure i put on it. i replaced the thin stock cord with a Kodiak cord, didn't fix the problem (i was thinking maybe not enough power was getting to the motor through that skinny little cord.)

tonight i'd finally had enough (i don't procrastinate too much.) i've had a spare belt for the past 5 years so i finally got around to replacing the belt, VOILA! the head spins non-stop now. i should'a did that sooner! took me all of 15 minutes. followed the directions to replace it that i found somewhere on the site/forums here.

a belated thanx for the assistance a few months back Rod Cool

  Look OUT!!!
Posted by: FloorCareMD - 02-15-2013, 06:38 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (18)

Little old ladies will soon be taking our cleaning jobs from us.

[Image: cart_zpsa320803c.jpg]

  wall to wall wool in high end condo
Posted by: Gebb1 - 02-14-2013, 04:43 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

I have a high end condo with wall to wall wool berber..do i need anything special with my cimex? Last time I used my truck-mount (prochem everest 650hp) with a hoss. It came out good, but that was in hot weather in the summer. Really want to try something dryer this time.

  'Gotta Get Back in Time"
Posted by: FloorCareMD - 02-14-2013, 03:31 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (9)

Sorry Huey Lewis and Michael J. Fox.


I notice that the time of postings is off by about two hours.
Is it a flux capacitor problem?

  Challenger encapping
Posted by: MikeB - 02-14-2013, 02:37 PM - Forum: GENERAL DISCUSSION - Replies (5)

I've had a 15 inch challenger for about 10 years and love it for residential but it is just a little slow on CGD so I did a little redesign that enables me to get about 1000 sq ft per hour with really good results using fiber pads and releasit ds2.
I'll post some pics soon. It's just a simple bracket set up to enable the original wheels to be moved back and run on the floor so I can walk the machine like mowing a lawn. Idea